Chapter Three

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Some people make it out of the Tower, others don't.

I just got unlucky!

I had lost hope, the moment the boss had said You're mine!

I haven't been scared before much in my life unitl that day. Until everything seemed to be closing in around me, it felt like my whole body was gasping for air. It was like, death all over again.

All was lost until he came along. Until he charged into the tower, his mind already at work searching for some new life that could accompany him. Whatever the boss saw in me, he did too. Zack Lucas, my best friend.

After the boss had his crazy speech, which I admit scared the hell out of me. The lights sprung on and I found myself standing in a tiny area and all I could see was the stairs going up and up, the higher I looked up the more I felt sick.

No one is here, had the boss even been here? "My most trusted warrior will take you too your room. Get use to this, Cayden. The tower is all you will see for many months. I don't normally make a permanent stay at the tower for that amount of time, consider yourself lucky. Only one other I did and he tried to escape. If you want to have the same fate go ahead but if I was you I would take the room in the tower, less painful," he hissed.

I knew he was close but hiding in the shadows, in the very depths of the tower, hiding himself away like he was too scared to show his face.

At that moment someones hand latched around my arm. It made me jump, its pointless trying to act tough or saying I'm not scared, it would be a lie. I'm shit scared, I have no idea what I'm meant to do. Its like I have no choice, no way out and only one way up. I hadn't found myself using so many swear words in my life but right now like it mattered anymore.

Up the tower, a long walk ahead.

I wish I could tell you all about my experience at the tower but there isn't much to tell. The warrior as that guy who clearly had to be the boss of Sinistral rule it or whatever had taken me quite far up. To a small room.

It had a bed, a toilet and a sink. It even to my surprise had a few paintings on the wall. Who thought anything human could still exist here. It was clear, that even though hell isn't real this might as well be it.

It was the first night I slept there and it was my last.

I heard scratching. That was what woke me. At first I thought I had imagined it but as I opened my eyes the cover falling off the bed, I looked over to the sink to find that guy who had greeted me at the start of Sinistral.

"Hi," I whispered gently.

"Cayden," he smiled.

"Glad one of us is happy. Have you lost hope yet? Whatever you think I can do, want me to do I can't!" I shout at him.

"No, being in here. The boss knowing your special makes it even more clear you can do it."

"Do what? Destroy the core, what the heck is that? Why am I here? Do I deserve this, was I that bad?"

"No, far from it Cayden. As I said you was chosen, no maybe you don't deserve this but you have been chosen. You have to stick at it now. You have to restore this place to the way it once was. Teach him a lesson."

"You mean the guy who has me in here? How can this tower be bad, I mean isn't it a lot worse out there?" I ask.

"Yes it is but staying here in time will only end in misery. Trust me, Cayden. You can't walk away from this, you have to at least try. Sinistral is a big place and you must get to the core to the very middle of Sinistral. There you will be able to destroy the core and defeat him once and for good."

He disappeared in front of me after that. As I went to go slouch back over on the bed, I heard movement from outside. I froze. Please don't be him, please don't be him!

Just then the door to the room popped open. I jumped back, at first I started to panic until the door closed too soon after and a tall, brown haired teenager stood in front of me. He smiled right at me, his presence overwhelming.

At first I thought he worked for boss until he pulled something out his pocket and came over to me. "Cayden right?" he asked.

I nod to shocked to say anything. "I'm Zack and I'm here to break you out of TT," he smiled.

"Break me out...TT?" I asked confused.

"Test Tower, you either get through or you don't simple as."

"I didn't," I began.

"Yeah because he knows and so do I. Your special, that is clear and if I want anyone for company, its you. Now keep still, I've got to get that piece of crap tracker off," he began.


"The necklace, its a tracker that's why they make you wear it. Pointless escaping if they can just track you."

"Why waste your skills on me?" I ask.

"Your special now shut up and let me work," he said.

I nod and let him begin. I didn't know what it was but I could tell Zack and I was going to get on perfectly.

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