Chapter 2: What a Coincidence

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Episode -02- Stroke of Chance Encounter (Mostly gonna be about explaining who is who & shtuff from the episode)

Gou told us to meet her at Iwaboti Swim Club SC. And I am not going back to the driver that calls me "Miss Makioka" because TRUST ME, I did NOT want to be in the famous life. I was FORCED. I'd rather be poor, wishing I was famous even though I knew that I would never be, but no... I am in this amazing house. Where all my friends think I'm lucky. Even though, I wish I was living their life. Atleast they let me be me. And not be the "Miss Makioka" they want me to be.

Reika: I'm COMING.



more walking...

more wal- oh wait we're here...

Harumi: Gou-chan!!!
Gou: Harumi! Reika! Raina! Nami! Mayu! Meet Hakura, Rei, Makoto, and Nagisa. Onii-Chan will come later.
Reika: Gou, we've already met them. -_-
Then Rin, a short grey haired kid, and an orange haired kid came in. Rin was holding the orange kid... and the grey haired kid was just standing there -_-. Gou, being the lovable little sister she is, ran to her older brother. Then that weird orange guy said she was "cute." All the girls facepalmed. Even me. Being the friend that I always was I went behing Gou and whispered to her " Gou run while you still can." I started to giggle. Then Sosuke came. Then... Mr.Orange started talking to Gou. -_- So I pushed his towards his appropriate team. I technically saved Gou's life! & it was great entertainment too XD!

Raina: Squid Swimming...
Nami: ??? I...I...I have no words.
Mayu: This is squid swimming?
Raina: It's beautiful isn't it.
Then Gou came -_- and said the words i didn't want to hear...EVER.
Gou: You guys are like Onii-chan and the swim club.
Reika: Really? How so?
Gou: Raina is like Rei because she has blue hair, red glasses, and she is-
Reika: adorkable. I get it. But how is-
Gou: You are like Onii-Chan because you both are competitive about your dreams and you have the same hair color, Mayu is like Makoto because she's carefree and optimistic, Nami is like Nagisa because she loves food, has blonde hair, and very optimistic.
Reika: Everyone -_- keeps sayiing I'm like Rin....Ugh... What about Harumi and Haru?
Gou: Harumi and Haru are alike because they both are serious and want to be "Free."
Reika: Ok I see your point.
Gou: Reika-chan. Why have you been so upset lately?
Reika: I'm tired. That's all.
Gou: Why?
Reika: I have lived in Australia for most of my life. I'm not used to your daylight system. So...
Gou: Oh. I understand, but the others seem rather energetic.
Reika: Oh well.
Gou: Well I have to get going, BYE!
Reika: Bye?
I wonder where she's going... I have the choice to follow her...but... no. When I finally found her she was... A JUDGE FOR THE MUSCLE CONTEST?! WHAT THE $%#@?! I CAN'T EVEN EXPRESS MY VIOLATION AS BEING FRIENDS!!!
Mayu: Gou...
Nami: Is
Harumi: A judge
Raina: For the
Reika: Muscle contest. -_-
Harumi: I'm going to go look for Haru.
Reika: okey. She totally likes him. >=) No one needs to know though.

~Harumi's P.O.V~

Haru where are you??? I felt like I was walking for ages...ages..ages. Until I found him pushed up against the drink machine by Sosuke. All I heard was "Don't get in Rin's way anymore." Jeez. Harsh much. That's exactly what Sydney said to me about Reika. Weird. I walked towards Haru completly ignoring the fact that Sosuke said 'Hi' to me.  If Reika was here... she'd tell me I was a cold hearted person that has NO dream, NO future. Well... I don't want one. Unlike HER.

Harumi: Haru what happened?
Haru: Nothing.
Harumi: Ok. Suit yourself. Let's get going.

Then he just walks away like that. I get it he's like me in a WAY different way, but there is a similarity. I sighed, and walked back to watch the relay. Team Dolphin vs. Team Shark... ok?

~Reika's P.O.V~

Those moments when you wish you stayed home and slept. That's how I feel. Well Harumi is back. As usual Mayu always talks to her, they're like life-long friends or something. Always beside eachother, never apart unless they're forced to, and they never fought. I found it amazing, I only met them in grade school, while them -_- they've been together ever since they were 4. FOUR?! The longest friend I ever knew is my brother, Gakuto! And he's 1 year younger than me! He embraced the 'famous life' a whole lot, because he's on tour with his friend, Hibiki. The 2nd longest friend I knew was Nanami, but pshhhhhhhh she's somewhere in Satome Academy. -_- Somewhere. And the 3rd longest friend i've known is a girl named Sydney. I don't know what happened to her!

"Reika!!!!!!!!!" Harumi shouted.
Reika: What?!
Harumi gestured towards the pool, the relay was starting.
Reika: Oh...

The relay was starting. Since I was SO zoned out Rin & Rei were racing. Wow. Took that long. I heard so many screams... I couldn't hear myself. Can this day JUST END.
~ After The Relay ~

Nami: Reika-chan wait for us!
Reika: Nope!
I am going to run home like there is no tomorrow! like it's the end of the world and my home is the safe spot!   


Hope you liked it! I worked really hard on this. So I hope you enjoyed it ^.^

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