Chapter 7: Believing is Achieveing... Not Really

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Episode 7 - Crouching Start of Revenge!

I went on my night walk once again. Although when I walked pass Samezuka I heard someone crying.

Reika: Ai?

Ai: Oh sorry. *scoots over* You're probably here to see Rin-senpai.

Reika: What?!

Ai: There are rumors that you and Rin have feelings for eachother.

Reika: -_- We don't.

Ai: Well since your the manager and he's the captain, people think that you 2 are-

Reika: Enough -_-. Why are you crying?

Ai: My junior surpassed me.

Reika: do you want to be in the relay that badly?

I sat down on the step beside him. Yes he's sitting on the steps.

Ai: It's only natural.

Reika: What is?

Ai: I mean, I look up to Rin-senpai. When I first started swimming I thought a relay was just something that four people swam together, but I've realized that it's something completely different. This past year, seeing Rin-senpai's feelings toward the relay up close, I wanted to swim a relay with him, too. Besides, this summer is my last chance to swim with him.

Reika: Whoever told you that this summer would be the end?

Ai: Huh?

Reika: If you want to swim that badly with him. Then it could be somewhere else. Don't limit your possibilities like that. It's not a good habit.

Ai: Yeah.

Reika: I'm sure Rin would say that.

Ai: Are you sure you don't like Rin-senpai?

Reika: =_= Yes I'm very sure.


Reika: *choking*

Guys: Reika are you ok?!

Reika: Yes -_- I'm fine. I choked on my own saliva.

You know. I miss peace and quiet. -_- Too bad it never happened through out my childhood anyways. There was always someone there to say something. Gakuto crying, talking, sleeping, breathing. My friends talking, cars whizzing by, guys, etc.

Huh? Why is Sosuke giving Haru the evil eye? Oh well. -_- Can't be helped.

~ Raina's P.O.V ~

Raina: Mako reacted late.

Mayu: It's fine.

Nami: Mayu you've never sounded so serious.

Mayu: Hm?

Harumi: You usually freak out about the littlest things. Why not this?

Mayu: *shrugs* I believe in him I guess.


Come on Nagisa... Nami believes in you.


Come on Rei...I believe in you.


Come on Haru...Harumi believes in you.

~ Reika's P.O.V ~

Come on Rin...

We... O_O We won?! I mean. .. WE WON! Not that I'm surprised. PSsshhhhhh, totally did not doubt a thing.

~ Walks to Iwatobi ~

" Our times can't beat Samezuka "

Reika: What?

Gou: In the individual races their times barely made it. It was all filled out with Samezuka times.

Reika: O-oh...

~ Raina's P.O.V ~

Raina: Sorry for not being at practice today...

Rei: It's fine.

Nagisa: Haru got scouted!

Rei: No, Someone WANTS to scout him.

Nami: Did he turn them down?

Nagisa: *shrugs*

End of Chapter

New Friends, Old Faces (A Free! Eternal Summer Fanfic) (COMPLETED) {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now