OVA pt. 2

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(A/N: the girls went to the guys who have a similar name as them, or if you read the previous books you probably know who is who's best friend. So they went with their best friend.)

The girls watching red team: Reika, Raina, Ayumi, and Mayu ((they aren't playing))

The girls watching the blue team: Harumi, Mimi, Sydney, Nami ((they aren't playing either))

to the stairs*

"The most common strategy here is to adopt defensive and offensive roles, but given our time limit-" Rei was interrupted by Rin, "'The early bird gets the worm', right?"

"That's our Rin-san! You read my mind!" Rei exclaimed excitedly.

"I'm getting kind of nervous..." Ai started saying.

"I am too, but we have to enjoy ourselves," Makoto said, "Let's work together, Nitori-kun!"

"Hai! I hope we work well together, Tachibana-san!" Ai said.

"Just like FYI I'm filming this." I said.

"How? You don't have a camera." Rei said.

"I put cameras all around the school." I said, smiling.

"How did the principal let you do that?!" Rin asked, shouting.




"Ohayo, Principal-sama." I said, walking into the office.

"Ohayo, Makioka-chan. What do you need?" He asked.

"Can I put security cameras around the school?" I asked.

"Why?" He asked.

"Reasons..." I answered.

"Makioka-chan, gomenasai but-"
I cut him off by saying, "PLEASE! MY DAD WILL GIVE YOU MONEY!" I shouted.

"Makioka-chan....Gomen.." He said.

And suddenly security guards burst in and eventually he said yes.


They looked at me like I was crazy, but the game was about to start so they had no time.

"LET'S GO, MEN!" Rin said, punching the sky holding the water gun in hand.

time skip*

We walked over to where the blue team would be. We walked, the guys just like... sneak ran. I don't know.

We eventually found them, and you know. Syndey almost got soaked. BUT SHE DIDN'T!

And then Ai got so nervous he kept shooting at HIS team instead of the opposing team and all the girls just died laughing right there. Oh my god it was hilarious.

New Friends, Old Faces (A Free! Eternal Summer Fanfic) (COMPLETED) {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now