Chapter 10: Rock Paper Scissors

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Episode 10 - Six beat of Tears!

~ Reika's P.O.V ~

"Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! " Jeez. how long do they plan to do this. -_-

~Gets text~

From: Nanami Harumi
To: Makioka Reika
Subject: Help

Reika. The year's going to end. We're going to graduate. Get scouted. I need your help. I know I wanna sing freely. Can you help me? I helped you right? We're on opposite swim teams, but we're still friends. You're the only one left ya know?

If you ever change your mind....
Nanami Harumi.

Harumi? Help? Huh...

I went to the hallway... I found Sosuke. He isn't acting like himself.

Reika: Sosuke?

Sosuke: What...

Reika: What's wrong?

I plopped down beside him on the bench.

Sosuke: Nothing...

Reika: Okay...

Sosuke: You went to the same Elementary school as us didn't you?

Reika: Uh...Yeah? Why?

Sosuke: How come... Rin nor I never noticed you?

Reika: Sousuke...

Sosuke: hm?

Reika: we did hang out.

Sosuke: wait.. what?!

Reika: Sydney and I used to walk with you guys home since Rin and I were neighbors and you and Sydney were neighbors. Then whenever we visited random places Sydney and I would watch you play rock paper scissors.

Sosuke: oh... oH YEAH!

Rin: Sosuke-Reika?

Sosuke: What?

Rin: Ai was worried.

Sosuke: It's nothing.

Rin: ..............You've been missing practices sometimes, too. Where did you go.

Sosuke: ......

Rin: Sosuke don't tell me....

Sosuke: I said it's nothing!

Rin got a cola from the machine.

Rin: Sosuke. It's my treat.

And that moment. When Rin threw the Cola at Sosuke... he couldn't catch it. Pain was stopping him.

Rin: You hurt your shoulder didn't you? Let me see--

O_O This went to a direction I didn't think it would go.

Sosuke: Stop it.

Reika: *covering eyes* *whispers* I am not getting scaared like this -_- .

Then I made the most terrible thing. I THOUGHT it was over... it wasn't. I stood there. Sosuke, looked really seductive. Which is utterly scaring my half to death... and creeping me out.

Rin: Since when?

Sosuke: This morning, it's not as bad as it looks.

Reika: *whispers* White lie...

Rin: Stop pretending! It's not like you suddenly hurt it this morning.

Sosuke: I can't lie to you can I? That's right. I hurt it about 2 years ago. Because I was training too hard.


Rin: Didn't you say you were scouted? That you'd already decided on a college?

Sosuke: Sorry that was a lie. I don't have anywhere to go. Let's go somewhere else.

Reika: Go outside. In the forest. No one will find you there.

Rin: Show us.

Reika: -_- There are a bunch of trees outside. That's where you go. I don't wanna see Yaoi action happen before my eyes.


Reika: Say what you want. Come on I'll show you.

- In the foresty area -

Rin: Why? Why did you go so far as to lie and transfer to Samezuka?

Reika: I'm just gonna.. goooo....

Rin: No.

Reika: EH?!

Rin: We need you as a witness.

Reika: Witness?! We aren't going to a court case Rin!

Rin: Fine leave.

- Insert their conversation here -

~Back to the Relay~

I don't care who wins... I just care that everyone tried their best. Sosuke... espesially. Yes I did eavesdrop. But like Rin said. They need a witness. And I was there.

Rin vs. Haru...



Omfg... The suspense.

We came in 2nd. But that's ok. (Oh! You're probably wondering about me being the manager of an All-boys academy. Well. They needed a feminine touch. So they got it. I spend school in Iwatobi with all my friends. And after school, I got to Samezuka swim club. The other manager went BYE BYE XD)

End of Chapter

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