Chapter 8: Hayato and Kill Me- oh no wait it's Kisumi

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Episode 8 - Locomotive of Crisis!

~ Mayu's P.O.V ~

Coach: All of you gather around! Makoto, Mayu introduce yourself.

Makoto: Um...

Mayu: Hello, I'm Tsubaki Mayu, and I'll be helping out as coach. This is-

Makoto: I'm Tachibana Makoto, and I'll also be helping out as coach.

Mako&Mayu: I look forward to working with you.

Kids: Nice to meet you!

There's a little kid who doesn't seem he's happy to be here... I should help him.

Kid: Coach Tsubaki! Coach Tachibana! What will we do today!

Mako: Let's start with some kicking practice, shall we?

Kids: YAY!

- Insert Amayzayn swimming moments with kids here -

Kids: Thank you very much! See you around Coach Tsubaki & Coach Tachibana!

Mayu & Mako: Bye.

There's the kid... I walked over to him.

Mako: Huh? Mayu-kun.

Mayu: Hello Hayato. Did you have fun today?

Hayato: I...hate swimming

Mayu: Hm...

Mako: ...

???: Hayato!

Hayato: Onii-chan! Kisumi!

Mako & Mayu: Kisumi?

Mayu: Shigino-

Mako: Kisumi?

Kisumi: Makoto?! Mayu?!

Mayu: Hallo

Mako: Hallo!

Kisumi: How's my little cousin!

Mako: Little cousin?

Mayu: In law...

Kisumi: Eheh...

Mayu: I remember you. -_- You made me leave Harumi in the dirt.

Kisumi: ...

Mayu: You did the same with Makoto didn't you!

Mako: Wh-what?

Mayu: Kisumi was my friend. He was one of my best friends. He made me leave Harumi. I neglected her in Elementary. Did you do the same to Makoto in Junior High...

Kisumi: I have to go...

Mayu: *whispers* white disgust me.

New Friends, Old Faces (A Free! Eternal Summer Fanfic) (COMPLETED) {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now