OVA pt. 1

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A/N: this isn't actually part of the book, but let's pretend that this happened in highschool

Mimi and Sierra are sisters ((and the genderbend of Seijuro and Momo))

Kimiko and Ayumi are friends ((and the genderbend of Ai and Kisumi))

Samezuka Cultural Festival


Ahh.. Samezuka. The Cultural Festival. Since Sydney and I "work" here, me as the manager of the swim club and Sydney as the assistant, we had to also participate in it.

I remember last year... which is now a blur of maids dresses. Rin told the guys to not go to the Festival, I told the girls to go to the festival, and if the girls are here, the guys are most definitely here. Ai should've been here by now though.

Our booth is supposed to be traditionally the "Maid Café from Hell"
where Sydney is a maid, I am a maid, and every guy is a maid. Except for Rin, and the chefs. Where Rin is a butler.

"Welcome to the Maid Café from Hell" Rin said to two girls, giving them the menu. And they started giggling at each other saying how hot he was. Ahah ha ha... back the fuck off.

"Tsk... we've got all the girls here, but in this outfit none of them are gonna notice me!" Momo shouted in distress.

Rin grabbed Momo's head, "MOMO. QUIT BITCHING AND GET TO WORK." he said to him intensely.

"Ne, Momo at least you're cute," I said as Momo looked up at me," but... Mimi is going to be here..." I said *cue anime sweatdrop*


And then suddenly they came in.

"Helloooooooo!" Nami and Nagisa said in unison.

"We came to hang out." they all said.

I don't know if I should shield Momo from Mimi or just let it be free. Oh trust me Momo has puppy love for Gou, but he has a thing for Mimi too. -_- like make up your mind ples.

"You seriously came?" Rin said with a plain look.

"Aww... you're a butler," Nagisa said in.... disappointment? "Ah! But Momo is a maid, though!" Nagisa said, lurching for Momo with his grabby hands o.o

"AGH MIMI LOOK AWAY." Momo shouted, Mimi just standing there laughing.

And suddenly Nagisa FLIPPED Momo's skirt. Showing Momo's swimsuit under it.

"AGHHHH!" Mimi and Nami said, covering each other's eyes," I am deeply scarred forever..." They said in unison.

"IT'S NOT BEAUTIFUL" Rei shouted.

What has been seen..
Cannot be unseen...

Why is Nagisa still playing with the skirt. Nagisa... STAHHPPPPP.

Mimi is scarred, Nami is scarred, Rei is scarred, I AM SCARRED.

"I don't care how big of a tradition it is... Making the first and second years be maids, while the third years are butlers is just..." Rei paused.

New Friends, Old Faces (A Free! Eternal Summer Fanfic) (COMPLETED) {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now