Chapter 12: Off to Kangaroos

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Dedicated to HoshikoStar, for the amazing song she requested.

Episode 12 - Swim-Off in a Foreign Land!


~ Reika's P.O.V ~

Home. Australia. The one thing I have to watch out for is people I know. Harumi is here. Hopefully no one else. In the letter that Russel and Lori sent me, they wanted me to come to Australia with a friend. There were 2 plane tickets. Since Harumi needed help. I was glad to take her along. I didn't think she would! But, I need to show her something. Something important.

We walked through the park. We were walking near the fountain until Harumi stopped me.

Reika: Harumi? What's wrong?

Harumi: It's Haru and Rin.

Reika: Eh?

All I saw was Haru near the fountain saying Rin's name in Japanese. Then Rin came back with drinks. -.- Wow.

Harumi: Should we?

Reika: Let them be.

Harumi: Okay.

We were sitting by the ocean. It looked beautiful as always. I could hear Rin's voice from like a mile away. -_- He probably doesn't know how loud he's speaking.

Harumi: Hey Reika...

Reika: yeah...

Harumi: I know you and Rin went to the same Junior High... Just tell me how you met.

Reika: Okay... I was new in the class. I already learned how to speak English and Japanese. So it was easy to communicate. I thought Rin was just another kid. Until he talked about the Sakura trees. And his accent gave it away. Everyone looked at Rin and I differently because we both had purplish Maroon colored hair. Nobody knew I was part Japanese. So when he was struggling. I told him in Japanese " Anata no gakkō wa ōkina sakura no sakura no ki o motte? " (Your school has a big cherry blossom sakura tree?). Then Rin said, "Hai!" (Yes!) Everyone looked at me. The teacher especially. She wanted me to help rin speak English. So I did. Rin and I stayed at the same Homestay. With Russell and Lori. I guess when we met now, he thinks it's a coincidence, and that I just look like the girl he met when he was younger. During that time... Rin hit a wall. He loved to swim, and seeing people that were more advanced at swimming than him. I didn't want to tell Russle and lori that he had trouble. Although, I couldn't just leave him like that. So I forced myself to tell them.........Then Rin went back to Japan, and I stayed at the homestay. Stayed connected with you guys. Then I moved back to Japan, and went to Saki Highschool with you and the rest ............. We should get going.

Harumi: Ok.


We were just walking on the same street as Lori and Russell's home. Rin and Haru were there. I didn't want to interupt. So we acted like normal people. But that didn't stop Russell and Lori.

"It looks like Winnie likes you, too"

Lori: Oh look it's Reika!

Reika: -.-

Russell: Reika. C'mon down here ya old girl. You think you can walk past this street without us recognizing you?

Lori: is this your friend Harumi?

Harumi: Yes. Harumi Nanami.

Rin: Reika...

Reika: Eheh. Nice to see you again...

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