Chapter 3: Butterfly Fly Away

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Episode 3 - Butterfly of Farewell

~ Reika's P.O.V~

Today is the day when the girls have to move back with their parents. Except Harumi-san lives alone. So she goes back to her old house. I'm surprised Harumi didn't sell the house, yeah sure it's her parents house, but she could have sold it when she moved to Australia with me and Mayu. I'm going to be alone at home from now on. Like it really matters, I mean Gakuto will be visiting in a few days. He has his own house, so he shares it with Hibiki. So YAY lonely life -_-. I haven't been being myself lately. I promised Gou I would feel better, so I'm gonna make breakfast. Wait no, that's a bad idea. I was walking downstairs when I found something on the table, it's a flyer to Iwatobi Fest. I almost forgot! Gou invited us. It starts... -_-... today. UGH!


~A lot of Glomps~

Reika: @#$%?!

Nami: Sorry Reika! We're just going to miss living with you!

Raina: We've been here for 2 and a half days.

Mayu: At least I get to see my brother and sister, and we get to see our family. Right!

Harumi: That's all that matters.

There was a knock on the door. I was confused, I didn't expect anyone. I slowly walked to the door, in case it was a murderer that wants to kill all of us. What?! It could happen.

Reika: O_O

Gakuto: Hallo! Nee-Chan!

Hibiki: Hallo.

Oh dear lord... help.

Reika: You weren't supposed to be here...

Gakuto: The tour is over -3-.

Reika: Wait O_O what?!

Hibiki: Your sister obviously doesn't keep stats on her little brother XD.

Gakuto: Oh hey, your going to the Iwatobi fest?!

Harumi: Yes.

Hibiki: Can we come?!?!

All the girls: Sure???

Gakuto & Hibiki: *fanboys*

Reika: *mouths words* w...t...f...

~ At the Fest ~

Gou: ...New members with wonderful muscles!

Guys: Yeah!

Reika: Wait...what?

Gou: To the watching area girls!

Nami: She's scarier than usual.

Raina: It's only because she's serious about this job, she has commitment.

~~~~Race Time~~~~
Haru was first... amazing form of running... but -_- it was REALLY REALLY slow. Then Makoto, Nagisa who dropped the kickboard, then Rei who won the race for em'. Best for last i guess. Forgot to mention, Gakuto & Hibiki were there.

Later we were at this 'Welcome Party' I felt bad because nobody came to join the swim club.

Reika: Someone will come, Gou, I don't promise anything.

I wanted to reassure Gou. She felt a small piece of hope, but in the end... no one came.

Harumi: We're a Swim Club, running has nothing to do with us.

Mayu: So even if we DID win the race-

Raina: We're still-

Nami: A swim club.

New Friends, Old Faces (A Free! Eternal Summer Fanfic) (COMPLETED) {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now