Chapter 26

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I was the first one to wake up today like evryday, but today was different. Today is the first Magcon. I'm excited but I'm also kinda sad. I'm excited cause I get to preform signs with Sammy and Skate today. I'm sad cause this means that I only have one more week left with the boys after today then I have to go back home and who knows what's gonna happen too me and sammy when I leave.

I quickly grab an outfit out of my bag and hop into the shower doing my normal routine. Once I get out I get dressed in my black skater skirt and white crop top. I quickly blow dry my hair and then I curl it with my wand curler, getting perfect, tight, little ringlet curls. Next I apply some makeup, deciding to go a little more fancy today since I was gonna be preforming in front hundreds of people. I apllied it all, foundation, concealer, mascara, eyeliner, and eyeshadow, the whole nine yards. I tied my black and white bandana around my head and pulled on my black and silver high heeled ankle boots.

I walked out of the bathroom and found all the guys up and ready to go. "Let's go guys!' I yelled clapping my hands together excitedly.

"Someones a little excited." Sammy laughed wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Well duh. I get to preform with my two favorite boys!" I smiled jumping up and down, still in his arms. "Speaking of my two favorite boys...where's Nate?"

"Uh I think he's still in his room." Sammy smiled down at me.

"Ok. I'll see you at the event. Love ya." I laughed, standing on my tippy toes to kiss his cheek before running out the door. I ran down the hall to Nate's room and ripped the door open to find him still sleeping. I smirked to my self and quietly walked over to him bed. "Wakey wakey sleeping beauty." I yelled jumping on top of him.

"Ugh. No." He groaned, his morning voice very evident. 'And it sounded pretty good if I did say so myself but I have Sammy so I can't think be thinking like this...stop it Maci you have Sammy. I mentally yelled at myself as Nate rolled over trapping me under him.

"Ugh. Nate you're gonna mess up my hair. Move your big butt." I laughed poking his cheeks.

"What if I don't wanna get up? What if I wanna ruin your hair? Huh? What then?" He smirked.

"Well then I guess I'll just have to kick your butt." I smiled. "And anyways you gotta get ready for Magcon. It's in an hour." I told him, causing him to jump up and grab a pair of skinny jeans and a random shirt, rushing into the bathroom. Coming out five minutes later fully dressed and ready to go.

"Ready Doll Face?" He asked as soon as he walked out.

"Yup." I smiled walking up to him and jumping onto his back. "Autobots roll out!" I yelled as he started walking to the elevators.

"You're such a weirdo." He laughed as we stepped into the elevator.

"But you know you love me." I flipped my hair just as I felt my phone vibrate in my purse.

From My Baby: hey you want anything from McDonalds me and the boys are all stopping there before we go to the place where the event is gonna be held at.

To My Baby: no thank I think me and Nate are just gonna go to Ihop since we still have about an hour before we gotta be there. Thanks for asking tho I'll see you ya bb :))))

"We're going to Ihop." I smiled over at Nate as I put my phone back into my purse.

"Do we even have time?" He asked turning down the road to the nearest Ihop.

"Yea I think so and even if we don't I'll just text Sammy and ask him to cover for us." I smirked as I turned the radio on. "So what song are we gonna sing today?" I asked him.

"Our new song Signs." He smiled. As he pulled into the Ihop parking lot. We both jumped out of the car and ran inside and sat down.

"What can I get you two?" A nice looking old lady asked, walking over to our table.

"Um could I please get a short stack of chocolate chip pancakes with strawberries and whip cream and a glass of chocolate milk." I smiled sweetly.

"Of course dear." She smiled. "And for you?" She questioned turning to Nate.

"Um could I get the same but a big stack." He smiled from ear to ear. Man this boy loves his Ihop. "So how you been lately? We haven't talked in a few days." He asks once out waitress left to go get our drinks.

"To be completely honest with you I don't really know. I mean me and Sammy are ok but with Jake here I don't really know what to think. I mean ever since he explainded everything that happened a month ago I feel kinda bad." I paused as I felt my phone vibrate. "Speek of the devil." I laughed as I say Jakes name light up on my phone.

From Jake: hey Mace where are u I thought you were coming with Sam?

To Jake: um no. Me and Nate are at Ihop. I'll c u l8er tho.

"But anyways I feel kinda bad being all lovey dovey with Sam in front of Jake cause I don't know it just makes me feel bad." I finished after I put my phone down.

"Well what exactly happened between you and this Jake guy anyways?" He asked.

"Well about five months ago when I found out I was coming to Magcon he was the first person I told, well besides Madi, but the next day he just dissapeared and no body saw him or heard from him for over three months and then when I first saw him again he was with a random girl so I obviously thought he was cheating on me but it turns out he wasn't and when we weren't on the best of terms until he came here with Brady and explained what really happened and now I just don't know what to think." I explained.

"Ok well I guess that is kinda confusing. But you love Sammy right?" He asked.

"Well yea more than I've ever loved anyone."

"So then it doesn't matter what this Jake guy says. If you know you love Sammy and if you're happy with him then it souldn't matter. The way I see this is that Jake knew that you had moved on because I'm guessing your brother told him. He realized that he lost the best thing in his life and he regreted ever letting you go so he had to try an come between you and Sammy because if he can't have you then he doesn't want anyone to have you so just ignore him and focus on you and Sam cause that's all that matters."

"Thanks Nate you always know what to say." I smiled, standing up and bringing him into a hug. As soon as I sat down our waitress came back with our food and we instantly dug in. "Oh. My. God. This. Is. Amazing." I stated in between bites.

"Yea it is pretty good isn't it?" Nate chuckled at my overreaction. Half way through eating our food I felt my phone vibrate on the table.

From My Baby: where are you guys? The event is starting soon and Bart is freaking out. You guys need to get here. Like NOW!

To My Baby: oh my god. I'm so sorry we didn't even realize what time it was will you please cover for us we're leaving Ihop right now. I'm so sorry baby I owe you.

From My Baby: yea I'll cover for you guys just hurry up and get here. Please.

"Nate we gotta go. Like now." I told him while standing up.

"Oh shit." He exclaimed looking at his phone while standing up too and throwing a fifty dollar bill on the table, grabbing my hand and running out the door.

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