Chapter one

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Chapter one

Four months before.

"Scar!" Becca yelled at me as I continue to walk past her. I heard her sigh and sit back down on the steps with the others. The steps was where we all usually sat; and by 'we' I mean the popular kids. I knew how cliché and gossip girl it is however that was Sandon High for you. Everyone here was a cliché and unoriginal: you had the typical populars, the classic nerds, the everyday druggies, and lastly the sad Tumblr emos.  Every single person fell into a category whether they liked it or not.

The halls were filled with people gossiping and whispering; and I knew exactly what about. It was about what went down between Drew and me at Alyssa's party on Saturday.

"Get a life." Jenny glared at a few girls looking at us. She put her arm around me in an attempt to comfort me nonetheless I shrugged it off.

"Get off me, Jen" I sighed trying to carry on walking. Jenny grabbed my wrist and made me look at her however I avoided her gaze.

"I'm your best friend!" she exclaimed, "if I knew that Drew was cheating on you I would have told you so we could have come up with a fool proof plan to humiliate him and you know it." She whispered, her deep blue eyes pleading.

"I know" I smiled softly, "I'm just so embarrassed."

The bell went and the corridor emptied leaving just me and Jenny.

"How about we skip first period and get some fro-yo?" she asked in attempt to cheer me up.

"I don't know..." It's not that I've never skipped class before because I have, it's just that I can't let him get away with it. I need to come back stronger and make him pay for it.

"Fine, after school wait for me and I'll drive," she laughs blowing we a kiss which I return. Jenny was honestly the only person in this school that I would actually consider my friend. Don't get me wrong; I have plenty of friends. However once school ends I will most probably never talk to them again; or anyone but her in this school for that matter. Everyone around me I have to play nice yet keep an eye open while I sleep. I know that they are all waiting for a moment for me to slip up and take my throne, but that will only happen over my dead body.

The rest of the day went surprisingly quickly. Drew was officially the most hated guy in school to the point where even the girl he had cheated on me with dumped him. On the other hand everyone loved me even more than they already did proclaiming me strong. Which I really wasn't. The only reason I wasn't upset about my ex-boyfriend cheating on me was because I didn't love him. Don't get me wrong it stung a little that he slept with someone else but I didn't blame him. We said our 'I love you' every time we separated for classes and were the hottest couple in the whole school however when we were alone there was no spark; which was why I was so hesitant to having sex with him. Everyone would pressure us into it and we never told them that we had; but then again we had never told them that we hadn't. We wanted to keep our private life, well, private.

At lunch I sat with my friends and listened to them mercilessly insult Drew not even when Drew came to talk to me. Even though I couldn't stand him I agreed to talk. After everything we've been through I just wanted to hear him out. He led me to an empty corridor so that we could talk without having any eyes on us. We stood for a few minutes in silence before I broke it.

"Well are you going to say anything any time soon?" I laughed awkwardly.

"As soon as he goes" he said nodding towards a curly haired boy who belonged to the druggies.

"Oh please, Drew!" I retorted "do you really think he looks like the kind of guy to gossip?" I could see a smirk grow on his face and a dimple surfacing; he was pretty hot considering he was a punk.

"Fine." He sighed, "listen babe, I was drunk and upset alright?"

"Oh I understand, whenever I'm upset I just sleep around and blame it on the alcohol, babe" I snicker.

"Please I regret it so much but I have needs as well" he muttered.

"Well I'm glad you've got someone to satisfy them now mate." I smile sarcastically patting him on the shoulder. As I walked away I passed the punk by his locker who half-smiled at me as I passed.

Fro-yo with Jenny was fun; it reminded me of the old days in infants when our mums would take us on Fridays. That was of course before Jenny's mum had left for a business trip and just didn't return and before our popularity. Nowadays we can't go anywhere the two of us without the others joining in and take a billion selfies which ended up all over the internet. In their eyes if you didn't post it on snapchat or Instagram then it never really happened. And why would you want to go out if you couldn't make everyone who wasn't invited jealous? I never found the need to do that; sure I posted the odd selfie or picture of me with my friends on social media but I didn't really need to anyways. I was tagged in a lot more photos than I posted. We talked about everything to nothing and it was honestly the most real enjoyable time I had had in a long time.

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