Chapter twelve

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Chapter twelve

"Well if it isn't the Clique back together!" Niall pointed out when he saw us walking together.

"Almost the whole group." I smiled looking to my right and seeing Emily instead of Becca. "You haven't heard from her have you?" I asked Niall. Even though they never had talked that much but you never know who she had turned too.

"No I'm sorry, babe." He replied quickly.

"Maybe I should text her?" I asked getting out my phone.

"No!" Niall burst, "she was horrible to you. She probably needs time to reflect and then wait for her to reach out to you."

"He has a point." Jenny agreed. "We have to stand up for ourselves or she'll keep manipulating us." Emily nodded in agreement.

"Don't you think it's weird that she's been off for almost a month and a half?" Granted, she was a drama queen, however something about this whole situation concerned me.

"So are you taking to prom?" I asked attempting to change subject.

"Well, since I'm still single I just got some guy from the football team." Jenny groaned. She and Emily had done the same thing and planned on just hanging out with me and Niall during prom.

Niall walked me to each of my classes that day, and the next, and the next until it was prom night. Half the girls had taken the day off to get ready while the others just stressed all day long. Jenny, Emily and I had all decided to skip and get our hair done and makeup at mac. It took hours but we were finally at prom.

The first thing I noticed when I walked in was that Harry had decided to not go; which wasn't surprising since it wasn't exactly something the stoners enjoyed. A small part of me, again, wanted Harry to be here. I needed to know I was making the right decision with Niall tonight. What was I even saying? Of course being with Niall would be the right choice. He loves me, I love him I almost tried to convince myself.

"This looks amazing." I told Maci who was in charge of prom committee.

Prom's theme this year was Alice in Wonderland. The walls had been hand painted and were decked with kooky, twinkling fairy lights and life-sized rabbits. There was a dance floor with a few couple grinding on each other and tables surrounding; the crazy centre pieces were top hats. However my favourite part was the 'garden' with flowers, ivy, and branches with a camera man in the entrance.

"Let's the pictures!" I squealed to Niall and the girls.

We took four pictures all together including the girl's dates, then we took separate ones and in twos or without our dates. The night was magical nonetheless I couldn't shake the bad feeling growing in my stomach about tonight.

"Becca should be here." Emily sighed looking at the entrance.

"Stop being a downer! She's the one who decided to lock herself in her house, we have nothing to do with her." Jenny scoffed before disappearing onto the dance floor with her date.

I sent Niall and Emily's date to get us a drink (which the cups were ridiculously adorable paper red queen of hearts cards) since I could sense Emily didn't feel right.

"Becca may be a bitch, but she should be here with us." Emily sighed getting out her phone. I asked for it and went through their messages which were spammed with worried Emily asking if she's alright; none of which she responded too.

"She'll come to us when she's ready." I held Emily's hand and led her to the dance floor. We ended up stealing Jenny from her date and danced the three of us.

The night flew by and before I knew it I was in Niall's bedroom. He wasn't lying when he said that he would make it special; the room was filled with rose petals and scented candles. He laid me on the bed and began kissing me softly before he excused himself to the bathroom. I had no idea what he was doing there however his phone kept going off and ringing. Shock washed over my features as I saw the caller I.D. It was Becca.

I knew he was my boyfriend and that I should trust him but why was Becca texting him and not us?


That bitch! She may have been gone but she was still playing the same mind games.

"Okay where were we?" Niall smirked until his eyes fell onto his phone in my hands, "why are you going through my phone?"

"I don't know why is Becca talking to you? You said you hadn't heard from her!" I threw his phone at him.

"I can explain." He began but I cut him off.

"There's only one person I want to hear out right now." And that was Becca.

"Come on don't leave." He begged as I began packing up my stuff.

I stormed out the house and drove to Becca's house determined to get some answers. Once I arrived I pounded at the door for Becca to open.

"I know you're in here!" I yelled not caring if her parents were home. In fact I hope that they are; that way she would have to explain what she was doing with my boyfriend in the first place.

The door opened slightly and Becca took a deep breath before opening it completely. Her brown hair was slightly greasy and in the worlds messiest bun (which looked more like a nest). Two round chocolate eyes were blood shot with purple bags hanging under them, it looked like she hadn't slept in days. She was wearing a sweat shirt that was cropped and low cut tracksuit bottoms. There was no ignoring her massive and unmistakable, pregnant belly.

"Surprise." Was all her cold voice could manage to croak out.

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