Finding You PT1

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As i walked back to my house, i noticed the guy next door crying. He was sitting out on the porch and cried his eye balls out.
"Hey... you okay?" i asked, walking over to him.
"Yeah. I am." he said, wiping his tears away.
"Doesn't look so." i said.
"Well, i am. Trust me." he said and then there was an awkward pause. He spoke up again.
"I'm Louis by the way."
"Harry." i said and shook hands with him. He took me inside to his bedroom. It was rather not so dirty and not so clean. It seemed like it was all done by his mother.
"Sit." he said which more of an order than a request.
"Okay." i said more to myself than him.
I looked around at his room and he had so many trophies...Basketball, football, table tennis and there were some for spell bee competitions. He was a geek. I always hated geeks but he was a different kind of geek.
"I know. You must be thinking i'm a nerd." he said and sat down next to me.
"Close enough." i said which made him giggle. Well, after a hearty cry a giggle is still better.
"So...what're you aiming for in life....?" i asked randomly. But before he could answer, he ran downstairs and came back with a tray of food and cold drinks.
"You know what... i think i need to go back home. My mom must be waiting for me." i said, even though it was a lie. And he believed me.
" Okay. Can we meet tomorrow?" he asked, as i stood at the door.
"Sure. 2:00pm." i said and walked out, not waiting for his answer.
He sure did seem to be kind of happy to have a friend. I guessed he didn't have a girlfriend.
* * *
"Is this really necessary mom?" i asked her, frustrated.
"You know what...i'm simply going over. It's really embarrassing to take food over to a stranger's house. You take it yourself." i said and walk out the door over to Lou's.
I knock on the door and his mother answers the door.
"Lou is upstairs." she says and lets me in. I walk in and for the first time, properly notice his house. It's clean. Really clean and it's good. It's good to have a clean house.
I walk upstairs and enter his bedroom.
"Hey." i say.
"Hey. You're early." he says nervously.
"Well, i mostly always am." i say and sit down on the edge of his bed. I fiddle around with his watch and ended up dropping it. He took it from my hand and kept it on his desk.
He sat down on his chair and we both looked at each other awkwardly. So i spoke up.
"I'm just going to take a wild guess here, you don't have a girlfriend do you?"
His jaw drops. And he stares at me blankly. "Nope. But how did you-"
"You don't have anything to do." i say.
"soooo....." he trails off.
"Usually when you have a girlfriend, you hang out with her than your next door neighbor." i say without thinking twice. But well, thank god he didn't cry.
We sat there another few minutes, thinking about-something. We talked, we had food, and we went back to talking.
But the real deal happened in his room. Before i was about to leave and honestly, i didn't believe i'd do it back.
"So, i had a nice time with you." i say and as i turn to leave, Louis pulls me back by my wrist.
Our faces are inches apart and so are our lips. "Stay." he whispers.
"I'm sorry, but that's not how it works and i would stay my entire life here if i could. But Lou i can't." i say and before i can break free, his lips are on mine.
They're soft and kissable. I don't think twice and i kiss him back. Was this wrong? But it feels really good...I don't know why and who and what but i kiss him back. Because i have feelings for him too. He doesn't know that, yet.
"Bye. Lou." i say after breaking the kiss.
"Bye, Haz. Meet you tomorrow." he says, blushing.
That was the first time, i'd actually seen him blushing, like a tomato.

Larry Stylinson Dirty ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now