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Summary: Harry was turned on whenever Louis put on makeup, usually for a photoshoot or a concert. That Halloween night, however when Louis returned to the hotel room with an entirely painted, impossibly pretty face, Harry couldn't control himself. So they may have gotten a little careless...
As Louis handed Liam his camera to snap another picture for his instagram, this one with Zayn, his thoughts flickered back to the figure of Harry holed up in their hotel. He was having a marvelous time out with the other boys, of course, but some part of Louis was permanently distracted by the sheer lack of Harry's gangly, muscled, smiley, adorable presence.
Louis turned his painted face to his band mate. "Stick out your tongue too, mate," Louis commented, glancing at the camera screen as Liam showed him their picture. "It completes the look." Zayn smirked, his joker makeup faded with the night's successes.
Both boys pulled an obscene face, making rocker hand gestures. Liam laughed as he snapped the picture, flashing both his friend's a thumbs up.
As seems to be tradition with taking a picture, they both hurried to Liam's side, flanking him so as to see the final picture. Louis voiced his approval, slinging an arm around Liam's shoulders. "Thanks, Li. Harry's gonna love seeing these."
Having known Louis nearly two and half years, Liam could peg the slightest tinge of sadness in his voice; Louis missed his boyfriend. Harry had had a sore throat, opting to stay back in order to preserve his energy for their press conference the following day.
Louis had pouted, pleaded, begged the boy to come along. They had spent so much time meticulously picking out the perfect costume for the tall brunet, after all. Harry declined with a sad smile, pressing a chaste kiss to Louis' then-makeup-free temple. "Have fun for me?" he had instructed sweetly.
"Will you be up when I get back?" Louis had thrown back hopefully as he left the room to join the other boys in the hallway. Harry had answered that he'd try which was enough to convince Louis to leave.
True to his word, Louis had been having fun. The drinks had been strong and playfully festive. The company at the place was lively and, thankfully, didn't fawn over the boys' presence as sometimes seemed to happen when they went out in groups larger than two. After all, with his face painted stark white with the not so subtle star, Louis was already attracting attention.
"We'll leave soon, yeah Lou?" Liam prompted, cutting into Louis' train of thoughts. Instantly, what had been a falling expression perked up back into one of excitement. It was rather early for them to turn in, sure, but it still was too long apart from Harry.
With every dance, Louis could only think about how much he'd rather have a certain pair of large hands clasping his hips tightly. With every drink, he'd muse about how Harry would be matching him glass for glass, their arms twined around one another as they downed the beverage.
"Soon?" Louis repeated happily, hugging Liam closer. They broke apart soon after, Zayn wanting Liam to go dance with him. Watching them stumble onto the packed dance floor, Louis smirked, folding his arms across his chest. Zayn was grabbing for Liam's hands and Louis rolled his eyes at their idiocy. Why couldn't they just admit they liked each other already?
Louis' phone buzzed in his back pocket and was in his hand in an instant, knowing chances were high it would be Harry. His instincts proved correct and Harry's name flashed across the screen as he thumbed open the text.
Getting tired boo, think ima turn in :) xxx
A pout tugged Louis' lips downward. Harry was supposed to wait until Louis got back. Well, the blue-eyed boy supposed, he only promised an attempt, not success. Still, Louis' mind had been unhelpfully been supplying him with images of how the two of them could celebrate Halloween together.
Try to stay up Haz babe? xxxx
Louis sent his text resisting the urge to just leave the two boys dancing and demand a ride back to the hotel. Foot tapping impatiently, Louis managed to contain himself until the end of the song. He rushed up to his friends, forcing his way between their bodies to their protests and turning them towards the door.
"It's soon now, yeah?" he explained, leading the way. Liam chucked and Zayn rolled his eyes but they humored their boisterous companion. "Anyone to say goodbye to?" Louis prompted at the last minute, as if remembering social norms. He was met with dual shrugs; clearly they were eager to appease Louis' urgings just to get him off their backs.
Paul gave the three a strange look, as though wondering as to their rather prompt departure. It was still late, though not nearly as late as one would expect for Halloween evening. He vocalized as much and Louis shrugged with a quirking upward of his eyebrows.
Their beloved bodyguard didn't miss the excited glint in the boy's eyes and common sense filled in the rest. It even had a part in why Paul was particularly heavy footed as he drove the band mates back to their fine hotel.
Louis tore through the doorway, opting for the stairs and racing through the hallway to the room him and Harry would be sharing. He took a moment to catch his breath, having planned out this moment on the car ride over.
He would burst into the room just as Harry was stripping down to sleep. The taller boy would whirl on his heel, see the costumed, made over Louis draped sensually in the doorway and have his wicked way with his boyfriend long into the night.
Shifting his weight excitedly, Louis pressed his ear to the wood of the door, listening for sounds of life inside. His eagerness spiked when the lull of the television could be heard through the thin door; Harry was surely awake.
Letting himself in with the key and swinging the door inward, Louis was met with the sight of a Harry-bundle piled under blankets to the point where his face wasn't even visible. The lights were on, but dimmed and the television was going wholly ignored.
"Harry?" Louis ventured softly, wondering if the form in bed was asleep. A dreamy groan met Louis' prompting to which he exhaled contently.
"'Ey, Lou," Harry slurred, the mound shifting.
"Harrrrry," repeated Louis with a pout, crossing to the bed and shutting the door behind him.
A peek of green eyes flashed from the cocoon of sheets. There were sleepy films over his eyes and he didn't quite focus on anything.
"How was your night?" Harry's voice was clearing as he came closer to lucidity.
"Fine, fine. I missed everything about you, though," Louis answered honestly.
"Oh?" Harry asked, taking the bait, "what exactly?" His eyes had fallen shut though his muscles were taut in a stretch and he was kicking off blankets so as to properly address his Louis.
"Little things," Louis began and Harry chuckled at the unintentional pun, "your fingernails against my skin as we danced for example." That had Harry's laughter catching in his throat. "Your hot breath against my neck, our hips clashing and rolling together." Louis' list went on mercilessly, waiting for Harry to pull out of his half-sleep and really look at the lusty eyed boy.
Harry groaned, moving to sit up. The minute the covers fell from his sight and Harry's eyes locked with Louis' he saw for the first time the effect of the boy's full face of makeup. Harry couldn't keep his jaw from dropping. "Shit, Lou," he expressed. "You look... I just... fuck."
"Yes please," Louis answered with a smirk. Harry didn't need any more prompting, rising from the bed to cross the short distance Louis had left between them. Hands fell harshly on Louis' shoulders and lips were being crushed to his own. Harry gave no care to the copious amount of white face paint Louis was sure would be spread on the boys' full mouth given the intensity of the snog. The thought sent a tingle through Louis' core.
Tonight would be messy.
Harry was working his mouth forcefully against Louis' lips, moving a hand to tip the shorter lad's head with a light tug to spray darkened locks. Louis craved the rough handling, fighting back a pleased whimper as fingers knotted hopelessly in his hair and pulled.
Louis was immensely glad Harry hadn't chosen to break his tradition of climbing into bed stark naked tonight. Harry's lack of clothing granted his hands full access to the expanses of skin of his lover's torso, waist, hips. Louis was taking full advantage of his position.
Harry's tongue demanded entrance, exploring the cavern of Louis' mouth when he granted access. Louis pulled in closer, arms flinging around Harry's neck.
Teeth bit into his lower lip and Louis gasped, hips bucking to press his aching groin against Harry's thigh. "Harry," Louis managed to form the words around where Harry was nibbling and sucking furiously on Louis' lip.
"Hmmm?" came Harry's reply, greens flashing up to Louis' eyes curiously.
"Help me out of these clothes, please."
Harry didn't need to be told twice. He broke off the kiss to hurriedly peel the white and black patterned shirt off over Louis' head. For reasons unbeknownst to Louis, the taller boy took great care not to smear any of Louis' makeup on the fabric. When Harry noted the interest in Louis' stare he smirked.
"That makeup is hot, Louis. I want you to look just like that as you ride me." Louis swallowed dryly; it would have been a major lie to say Harry's dirty talk wasn't the biggest turn on for Louis. "The only way you're getting that off is if you sweat enough." Harry could feel Louis' response to his words against his thigh and chucked under his breath.
Sliding down to his knees, Harry let his hands ghost over Louis' now bare chest. He rested them on his hips, gripping tightly as Louis had described wanting in his brief list from earlier. Taking painfully slow motions, Harry undid the tight jeans Louis had worn with his KISS costume and stripped the fabric down and off.
Leaning in to mouth at the clear outline of Louis' hardened cock earned Harry a breathy puff of pleasure from above. "Fuck," Louis whispered as Harry continued his ministrations on Louis' clothed erection, kissing and nibbling through the fabric. His hands tightened on Louis' hips, drawing him closer in a stumbling step.
Harry was just as eager as Louis when he moved from simply teasing to actually slipping off Louis' boxers. The minute Louis' erect cock was met with the relatively cool hotel air, Louis' skin broke out in gooseflesh. Harry didn't let him revel in the sensation too long, enveloping Louis' dick in the warm heat of his mouth.
A groan of approval inspired Harry to begin his special brand of blowjob, one he knew would have Louis' legs turning to jelly in a matter of time. Louis had always told Harry he had a mouth for giving head along with impossible gratitude that he was the one on the receiving end. Little licks, the teasing graze of teeth, and long draws that hallowed out cheeks delivered a multitude of fiery nerves that shot up Louis' limbs.
The chain of expletives shooting through Louis' lips only drove Harry onward. Louis kept his eyes fiercely pinned on the boy essentially worshiping his cock, those sinfully wide lips tainted with some of his own white makeup.
Harry sucked harder, one hand moving Louis' hips at his leisure and the other slipping around to cup Louis' arse tightly. Pulling back to lick Louis' length entirely, Harry let a finger slide into the other lad's entrance.
"Shit, Haz," Louis bit into his lower lip, hands gripping at Harry's shoulders so he can keep his footing. Twisting his head, Harry teased Louis' cock, tongue pressing at balls, around, everywhere oh so lightly.
The wet heat enveloped his dick once again and Louis nearly lost it. Harry added another finger deep inside Louis, as if reading his partner's undoing. "Need to sit, or stop, or fuck."
Harry laughed, the vibrations not doing anything to help curb Louis' needs. He moved back once again, glancing up at Louis through those dark lashes. "Fuck it is."
Getting to his feet and retracting both hands from Louis' slightly sweaty body, Harry seemed to tower over Louis' form. Hands gripped Louis' wrists, tight enough to bruise and he was being tugged over to the bed.
Harry was being exceptionally rough and the way his eyes kept flickering to Louis' painted face hinted at the reason why. Maybe he'd have to wear makeup more often, Louis thought.
Moving to a laying position, Harry tugged Louis' body over his own. Somewhere over the course of giving Louis his blowjob, Harry had gotten hard himself. "Lube," he demanded, gesturing to the nightstand. Of course Harry had come prepared.
Louis obeyed, fetching the tube and squeezing a generous portion into his waiting palm. He slicked up Harry's cock with extra care, working his hand teasingly along his length and over the tip. "Lou," the boy groaned, writhing on the bed. "Hurry the fuck up."
Louis knew he wasn't quite prepped enough to take Harry's dick; he knew it would hurt but he wanted it.
Straddling Harry's hips, Louis line himself up with his lover's impressive length, eyes closed shut. He lowered himself down, cringing as he was filled to the brim by Harry, lots ands lots of Harry. His head tipped back, lips parted in ecstasy. Harry groaned, trying not to buck his hips up into Louis, causing the boy unnecessary pain.
Harry let out a low growl once Louis had settled around his length. "Ride me," he said between gritted teeth. Who was Louis to deny such an incredibly arousing request?
Louis rested his hands on Harry's thighs propped up behind him and slowly—so slowly as he was still wincing slightly—began to lift his body up and let it settle back on Harry's cock. "Yes," Harry let out in an exaggerated sigh.
He continued the motion, digging his teeth into his lower lip to prevent himself from letting out the threatening moans of pleasure-pain. Soon, though, Louis felt Harry's hand trailing up his chest to his white painted neck. Fingers stroking tenderly over the unnatural colored skin, Harry smirked up at Louis.
"I want to hear you. I want our neighbors to hear you," he purred, running his free hand along Louis' spine.
Ceasing his thrusts down onto Harry's dick, Louis gazed into those impossibly dark eyes. "Our neighbors are Zayn and Liam. Do you really?" Harry chucked lowly, a fiery thrill glinting in his eyes.
"I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it. Maybe they'll be inspired. You and Zayn painted your faces together, yeah?"
Louis smiled but his grin was soon shattered by a whimpering sound escaping his lips. Harry was fully sheathed inside him and a slight shift in angle caused by Harry pushing his hips up to meet Louis had the boy's ability to form coherent thought flying out the hotel window and into the night.
"Faster," Harry demanded darkly. Louis couldn't help but comply, pushing Harry in and out of his hole needily, tossing his head back to let out a long moan. His hands gripped tighter onto Harry's thighs, fingernails scraping skin.
Harry brought his hips up to meet each of Louis' motions, forcing himself further into Louis than the older boy thought possible. It was impossibly hot and each thrust had Louis' moans growing louder.
Soon, Louis was all but screaming Harry's name on repeat, unable to think of anything else to say. He was pounding Harry's cock deep inside his body, pressing against that bundle of nerves that made everything feel so damn good.
Louis' fringe became slick with sweat, he raised a hand to push it back out of his face. To compensate for his imbalance, Harry moved a hand to Louis' waist. Louis sped up his pace, entirely absorbed in the way Harry's fullness was sending licks of fire through his nerves. One hand now free, Louis was able to stroke Harry's chest which he did so greedily.
What started out as light loving touches became desperate scratches as Louis crashed his body onto Harry's dick. "So. Fucking. Tight.," Harry panted out.
All the hours apart culminated in an exchange of sweat and curses, bodies moving in tandem. Harry determined that this was one of his favourite angles of Louis, his head tossed back in sheer bliss so exposing his neck and the wonderful cut of his collarbones. The bruises, soreness and limping there would likely be the next day were entirely lost on Louis' dulled, foggy mind.
Hands roamed skin to responses of gasps and groans of pleasure. Harry tweaked at Louis' nipples, pinched his biceps, stroked that lovely snow white cheek. In fact, Harry touched everything except Louis' aching cock. He wanted the boy to come without assistance in the form of Harry's hand.
Sure enough, time passed with only the sounds of erotic moans and the slapping of skin filling the room and Louis was practically shouting, "Harry, I'm going to...!" and he was coming up onto his and Harry's chests, striping their skin white.
Wiping a streak off of his torso, Harry held his finger out to Louis who was still dutifully riding his dick. Louis caught on, taking the digit between his slightly whitened lips. Seeing the made-up boy licking at his own release off of Harry's hand was enough for Harry to hit his own climax, burying deep into Louis' body and holding him in place. "Fuck, Lou," Harry let out in a low gravelly voice that had Louis shuddering happily. "You're so fucking beautiful."
Louis smiled, tipping his head into Harry's hand when it reached up to stroke his cheek. Harry didn't even mind that his hand was tinted white with makeup that had become loose with Louis' sweat. It was all Louis and it was all equally beautiful.
And when Louis pulled off and curled up next to Harry in the bed, the lights being flicked off with the telly, Harry was still reveling in how incredibly lucky he was to have such an exquisite being lying so close to him, loving him. So lost in thoughts was he as they fell asleep whispering sweet nothings to each other in the dark of their room that Harry didn't consider washing up beforehand.
Louis ended up with his head tucked into the crook of Harry's neck, nuzzled close, the other boy's head resting innocently on top. Louis enjoyed the feeling of curls against his face, the smell that was purely Harry enveloping him. They were together and they were content. It didn't matter that they forgot to set their alarm.
At least it didn't matter until Paul and the boys were pounding on their hotel door and they were being rushed to prep for their press conference. Louis vaguely remembered Harry telling him to take the time to wash off his face; that should be sufficient. Both the boys were pretty good at getting ready in a hurry (they tended to oversleep the night after particularly good lovemaking). Neither of them even considered Harry needing a shower, still mentally in a haze of sex; there wasn't enough time.
Looking at the pictures of the next day, with Harry's hair very obviously covered in white paint, fans would speculate about the origin. The boys would tease him about graying prematurely, none of them quite brave enough to bring up the very vocal night they had overheard. Louis and Harry shared a secretive look mid conference. After all, only the two of them would know down to every last detail just why Harry had been marked, tainted, painted white.

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