How you met

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Harry: It was your first year at Hogwarts and you were so excited getting onto the train that you weren't really paying attention to where you were going. Since you weren't paying attention you ran into another first year with dark hair and piercing green eyes. "I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going. " you apologized. "It's fine I'm Harry." he said sticking out his hand for you to shake. "(y/n)" you replied shaking his hand.

Ron: You had known Ron since you were very little. Your parents were good friends and both of your dads worked together at the ministry. Your family would go over to The Burrow for dinner a lot.

Draco: You were good friends with Harry and Ron but you didn't know that they didn't exactly get along with a certain Malfoy. When you were walking with Harry and Ron you accidentally brushed up against Draco's arm in the hallway. "Hey watch it (y/l/n)" he yelled at you. "Sorry" you replied shyly surprised he even knew your name. "Don't let it happen again I will hex you next time." he sneered at you once he realized that you were with Harry and Ron.

Fred: You were walking through the hallway to get to (y/h) common room. (Btw (y/h) means your house) You walked underneath one of the many archways in the hallway when a green slime like liquid was dropped on you ruining your robes. You heard laughing from the other kids in the hallway. "Hey you wouldn't be laughing if it were you so shut the hell up." you screamed at the kids laughing at you. "Terribly sorry love we thought you were somebody else." the two ginger twins said. "It's fine but be careful where you step." you said smirking already having payback in mind.

George: You loved potions you just hated the stupid Professor Snape. You weren't the best at potions, but you also weren't the worst. The only thing that made Snape hate you was the fact that you weren't in Slytherin. (Sorry if you are in Slytherin) Today just happened to be a day that Snape was in an awful mood and decided to give you partners in class. You hated partners because you always ended up doing all of the work and the other person just wasted time. Snape decided to pair you up with one of the infamous Weasley twins, George to be exact. Fortunately for you George actually did an equal amount of work to you, so you didn't hate him by the end of class.

Seamus: You were over at one of your mother's friend's houses for dinner. Your mom had explained that her friend had a son your age that went to Hogwarts. You wanted to know who it was but your mom couldn't remember his name, which frustrated you greatly. When you finally got to their house you were pleasantly surprised to see Seamus. You knew of him and had seen him around but never really talked to him. At dinner you guys talked the whole time making you guys great friends.

Oliver: You really liked quidditch (sorry if I spelled it wrong) but you weren't very good at it. You were really clumsy and always thought that you would fall off of your broom. You had decided to watch the Gryffindor quidditch practice that night and you were really happy to find that the team captain was very good looking. At the end of the practice he came up to you and introduced himself as Oliver Wood. After that night he helped you get better at quidditch making you guys good friends.

Ok so that's my first preference sorry if it sucks hopefully I'll get better. If you want me to add someone just let me know.

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