Opinions on PDA

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Again thank you Carrly4321 for the idea

Harry: Harry isn't a big fan of PDA he will hold your hand and hug you but he won't go any further in public. He likes to save it for when you're alone.

Ron: Ron will show you off as much as he can. He's still in shock that he has a girlfriend as good as you so he will kiss you literally anywhere.

Draco: Draco thinks that there's a time and place for everything. If you're out somewhere and there aren't a lot of people he will kiss you but if you're in a crowded place he will just hold your hand.

Fred: Fred will show you off as much as possible but still doesn't want to gross people out. He almost crosses the line with PDA but never does.

George: George doesn't like PDA because he thinks it disrespects you. He will treat you like a lady and not a toy in public. However when your alone he will do whatever he wants.

Oliver: Oliver doesn't have an issue with PDA but hates when people go over the top. He will kiss you on lips sweetly in public but would never make out in public. He knows where to draw the line.

Seamus: Seamus will give you a peck on the lips or hold your hand and hug you but he thinks that anything more is gross. He respects other people and understands that they don't want to see anything more.

Dean: Dean will hold your hand in public but won't ever kiss you. If you're with friends he will but he doesn't like doing it out in public.

A/N my boyfriend is in London and he's going to the Harry Potter world there and I'm super jealous. He said he'll get me something though so I'm happy for that.

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