The Pet You Two Get

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Harry: You and Harry got an English Bulldog named Roxie. You thought it might help relieve stress and make both of you happier. You rescued her from the local ASPCA. (I think that's what they're called. Sorry if it's not).

Ron: You and Ron got a ferret, to replace the rat. You named the ferret Quinn and you both thought that the name suited him. You bought him from a local pet store and automatically fell in love with the odd pet.

Draco: You and Draco didn't really want the responsibility of a pet like a dog or cat so you got fish instead. You got a tank and bought a few really colorful fish. You've been naming them as names come into your head. There is a blue fish named Dory, an orange fish named Nemo, and a black and brown one that you haven't named yet. You named them after the muggle movie Finding Nemo that you like. (It took a while for Draco to allow you to name them after muggle things.)

Fred: You and Fred got a Greyhound named Stark. The dog was a grey color with some white and brown mixed in. You both loved him and got him when he was a puppy from a friend. Fred loved to take the playful dog on walks and runs, and he loves to play with him in the back yard (you like to watch). Yes, you named him after Tony Stark from the Avengers.

George: You and George wanted a pet but you wanted one that could also help you in your every day lives, so you got and owl. You got a barn owl, that was pretty big, and named her Hermy. You honestly did it to annoy your friend Hermione when she came over the one day, but afterwards it just kind of stuck and it worked so that's what you started calling her.

Seamus: You and Seamus got a Tabby cat and named him Roman. You got the name from Rome, Italy because you both are interested in the older days of Rome. You and Seamus love the cat and the cat loves you. He's kind and never bites or scratches either of you, thankfully.

Oliver: You and Oliver got a Spotted Owl and named her Strix because it's the first part of the type of owl in Latin. (Sorry if it didn't make sense) Strix was very helpful and was really quick when delivering mail. She even found her own food so you two didn't have to worry about that inconvenience.

Dean: You and Dean weren't ready for a pet so you guys liked to "babysit" friends pets when they were away. You always loved animals but you didn't want the inconvenience or responsibility yet. You guys have always been thinking about though.


Hey guys sorry if it's not the best. I'm trying to think of more ideas hopefully I will be able to think of more soon. Feel free to comment any ideas of your own if you have some. I might be starting to write longer ones soon, I don't know though. Hope you like it!

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