Your First Date

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Harry: He took you to Hogsmeade and you spent a lot of time in the Three Broom Sticks and in Zonkos.

Ron: You went to his house for your first date because it was over the summer. He took you out into the field at night to look at the stars since there was no light pollution near his house.

Draco: Draco took you to a fancy restaurant. He told you to dress nice but that was all he told you so it was a surprise.

Fred: Fred took you to see fireworks. He took you to the top of a building on the roof where there were blankets and pillows and you cuddled the entire time.

George: You two went to a muggle carnival. You had a muggle friend who told you about it so you asked George to take you and he did. He loved the roller coasters.

Oliver: Of course Oliver took you to a quidditch match. It was Ireland, one of your favorite teams, so you were pretty happy too.

Seamus: Seamus took you to Diagon Alley over the summer and you two explored and goofed off the entire time.

Dean: Because your first date was during the school year Dean took you to the library. He set up an area between to book shelves with some food, which looked very cute.

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