Favorite Thing About You

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Harry: He loves your hair, the way it flows perfectly over you and how smooth it is.

Ron: He loves your smile. He loves that it means you are happy and he loves it when he was the one to make you smile.

Draco: He loves how your eyes sparkle when you are happy. He loves the way they crinkle at the corners when you smile.

Fred: He loves your humor. He loves it when you can make him laugh and when you come up with a great prank idea.

George: George loves how kind you are to everybody. He loves how you would help anyone if they need help.

Seamus: Seamus loves how witty you are and how you always know what to say. He loves how you know the answer to almost everything.

Oliver: Oliver loves how passionate you can get over a single topic. He loves that when you get serious you start to frown, he finds it adorable.

Dean: He loves your style and how you always look great no matter what you are wearing or how much makeup you put on. He loves how you look great in sweats and a T-shirt without makeup.

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