How You Study Together

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Harry: Most of the time you and Harry cram everything in at breakfast before class. You copy each other's homework (without making it too obvious) and just spit out random questions to test the other's knowledge if you have a test. You procrastinate way too much.

Ron: Ron believes that studying is best helped by food. Meaning you won't retain any information from studying if you don't eat while you're studying. So you never study without food.

Draco: Draco likes to look at your notes and ask you questions about what you're studying. It helps you be prepared for tests and it helps him because he can look at notes he never wrote down.

Fred: Fred is really good at the subjects you're bad at and you're really good at the subjects he's bad at. It's a perfect match and both help each other get through school.

George: George always has a way of distracting you from studying. Whether it be from his pranks or trying to distract you with kisses. Most of the time it works and your studying gets cut short. Eventually you start to study without him so you can get good grades.

Oliver: Oliver is just as intense with studying as he is with quidditch. If you tell him you don't understand a concept he'll teach you for as long as possible until you understand. This can be great but also super aggravating because sometimes you just want a break. 

Seamus: Seamus isn't a great help when it comes to studying. You learned this the hard way. He was trying to help you study for Potions and you were trying to help him too. Unfortunately he added the wrong ingredient and it blew up. Typical Seamus.

Dean: Dean will sit with you and read to his hearts content. If you don't understand a concept he'll draw it out for you because you like visual learning.

Neville: Neville doesn't really care about much other than Herbology so you always go to him for help in that class. You try and study with him for other subjects but most of the time the conversation turns right back to plants. Oh well.

James: James hates studying. He'd rather do anything else. Literally. You have to force him to sit down with you to study for an upcoming test. The only reason he does is because you bribe him with "alone time" when you're done.

Sirius: While you read or write for your classes Sirius will have his head in your lap. He says that having you stroke his hair helps him focus but you know that's a lie. (Btw you're the only one allowed to touch his hair)

Remus: Remus's favorite place to study is on the couch curled up next to you in the Gryffindor common room in front of the fire. Most of the time you end up falling asleep on each other with notes all around you. You'll wake up to a piece of paper stuck to your face with Remus laying on your chest. It's safe to say you never get much studying done.

Peter: Peter rarely studies. If he does it's a group study session with the other Marauders.

Severus: Severus always has little tricks to help remember things. He has acronyms for everything and you always go to him when you need help memorizing something. He'll come to you when he needs help with hands on practice like Transfiguration or Charms.

Regulus: You'll study with Regulus in the Slytherin common room. You'll sit across from each other at a table and do your own thing. The only time you'll speak while studying is either to ask a question or to say you need a break.

A/N: This probably sucks but I wanted to get one in before school. I had to write a 10 page paper about the 4th Harry Potter book for school. It sounds easy, which it mostly was, except for having to find figurative language. That sucked. Hopefully I'll get a good grade though.

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