Favorite Place to Go

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Harry: You guys like to wonder the halls when you are bored. Sometimes under the invisibility cloak other times not. You are fascinated by the Marauders Map so you use it as frequently as possible. You guys like to go to the Room of Requirement when you have nothing else to do.

Ron: You guys like to hang out in the Gryffindor Common Room. You both find it cozy and welcoming. You like to snuggle up on a couch, next to Ron, and read while a fire is going.

Draco: You guys like to sit by a tree near the Black Lake. You find it relaxing and you enjoy the breeze that goes by there. You also like to look in the lake when you are thinking, it helps you come up with ideas for writing and homework.

Fred: You two like to go down in the kitchens. When Fred showed you, you were super happy and loved the house elves. Since then you go down to give the house elves company and so they have something to do in between meals.

George: You and George like to go into the Trophy Room. No one ever goes in there so it's always quiet. You guys also like to talk about the trophies and what type of people won the trophies.

Seamus: You two normally walk around the grounds. You guys don't have a certain place to go, but you like to go into the greenhouses. You find them calming. You also find some of the plants interesting.

Oliver: Of course you two like to go to the Quidditch Pitch. When Oliver is feeling upset you know he will be there flying around on his broom. It helps Oliver think and you enjoy watching him while he is flying or practicing.

Dean: You two like to go to the library. You personally like to study so Dean always knows that you will be in there most of the time. You also like to read and explore the library and talk about different books with Dean.

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