Cuddle With Me? (Draco)

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This week has been exhausting. All of the professors must have decided that this was the week to give out the most homework. I have been drowning in papers and activities all week in the library. Thank goodness it's Friday so I can take a nap before dinner without having to worry about getting homework done on time.

Walking through the halls of Hogwarts my feet shuffle against the ground. "Y/N!" I hear someone shout my name and I turn around to see my boyfriend, Draco. "Hey Draco" I want to continue to tell him how tired I am and how I plan on just taking a nap but he cuts me off. "Want to go to the common room with me? We can just sit by the fire to relax." He expresses quietly. "That sounds wonderful actually." I reply with a small smile on my face.

We walk to the Slytherin Common Room hand in hand silently, both too tired to start a conversation. When we get into the common room we both head for the couch and plop down onto it. Draco is on one side and I am on the other, but I really want to cuddle. Draco isn't one to cuddle especially out in the open so I am hesitant to ask him. "Can we please cuddle? I'm so tired and I just want you to hold me." I confess to him.

He scoots closer to me and moves me so I am laying next to him with my head on his chest. I can feel the rise and fall of his chest as he breathes and I can hear his heartbeat. "I'm glad you asked to cuddle because I actually wanted to as well." he admits. I smile looking up at him and sit up a little bit to kiss him.

I pull away from the kiss slowly and lay back down. "Take a nap baby. I'll stay here as long as you need." Draco assured. I mumble a thanks to him and drift off. When I wake up I'm in the same position and Draco is asleep. I smile to myself and decide sleeping a little more won't hurt me.

As always please (kindly) let me know if I made any mistakes. Thank you!

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