Stay With Me (Fred Weasley)

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Written by wearealive125 with a few changes by me

It was May 2nd, 1998. You were twiddling a galleon you had kept in your pocket which you were given when you were a part of Dumbldedore's Army. The date and place on the coin had changed, indicating that the original members of the DA needed to gather.

You alerted Fred and George who were in their rooms in the flat above their shop, knowing that something was going to happen at Hogwarts. The twins were quick to get ready before the three of You apparatus to the Hogs' Head, the only way into Hogwarts.

As you reached Hogwarts Fred put a protective arm around you and pulled you and George into a hug. You had found yourself in the Room of Requirement, a few students still there along with other DA members. Everyone was waiting for instructions and news on what was going on.

Someone started to talk "Snape left. Professor McGonagall is trying to evacuate the younger kids as quickly as possible before the fight starts. The other professors are setting up protective spells around the boundary of Hogwarts."

The three of you were separated at the beginning and you barely dodged the spells that were thrown at you. You managed to find Fred and Percy together. You heard Percy shout "Hello, minister! Did I tell you I'm resigning?"

"You're joking, Perce!" Fred shouted. "You actually are joking, Perce...I don't think I've heard you joke since you were-" but he was cut off as a wall blasted onto him. You stood there shocked and unmoving. You didn't know what to do. You blinked, not wanting the tears in your eyes to roll down. You ran forward towards the rubble, wanting to save Fred before it was too late.

"Fred, stay with me. Please, Fred, stay with me" you choked out, tears rolling down your cheeks.

"Y/N, I love you so much. I'm sorry this has to be my goodbye to you.  I will see you eventually where we can be happy. I love you."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2018 ⏰

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