Harry Potter Tag

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I was tagged by MrsLightningThief122

1) Write down rules, no screenshot.
2) Favorite female Harry Potter character and their house.
3) Favorite male Harry Potter character and their house.
4) Your house
5) Dumbledore's Army or the Inquisitorial Squad?
6) Order of the Phoenix or the Death Eaters?
7) Hybrid House
8) HP otp
9) Opinion on Draco. Did he have no choice or did he make all the wrong choices?
10) Favorite HP quote
11) Picture to describe your HP addiction
12) Tag 5 Potterheads

1. ^^^
2. (Going off of the book NOT the movie). Ginny Weasley Gryffindor
3. Sirius Black Gryffindor
4. Ravenclaw
5. The DA
6. The Order of the Phoenix
7. Slytherclaw
8. Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin
9. I think it was a mix of both. I think there were things he had no choice in but then other things he made the wrong choice. I don't think he's evil in any way though and he deserved forgiveness.
10. It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live. -Albus Dumbledore
11. Picture. This was my lock screen for a long time so I think this proves my addiction 😂

 This was my lock screen for a long time so I think this proves my addiction 😂

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12. Guys I honestly don't have friends on here 😂 I have no idea who to tag except who already tagged me I'm sorry guys.

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