How You Sleep/Cuddle

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Harry: The two of you sleep with your back facing his chest and your legs intertwined. This makes the both of you think that you will both be safe in each other's arms.

Ron: The both of you move in your sleep a lot. You normally fall asleep facing each other with your legs intertwined but you could wake up in completely different positions.

Draco: Draco likes to sleep on his back so you cuddle up into his side with your head on his chest. Most nights you fall asleep listening to his heartbeat.

Fred: Fred wants to be touching you at all times but still likes space when he sleeps. Most nights you fall asleep facing each other holding hands.

George: The two of you change your position every night. Neither one of you cares how you sleep as long as you're together and happy. Since being with George there hasn't been a night where you haven't fallen asleep with a smile on your face.

Oliver: Oliver really likes to cuddle, especially after a long Quidditch practice. Normally the two of you sleep with you lying on top of his chest. He likes to play with your hair until you fall asleep.

Seamus: Seamus loves to cuddle and hold you in his arms. The two of you sleep with your back to his chest and his arms around you holding you close.

Dean: You and Dean fall asleep facing each other in a hug. It looks like it'd be very uncomfortable but it's surprisingly really comfortable.

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