Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


I've been living in this town all my life. Don't get me wrong, it's a lovely town with nice people, but I've had enough. I've experienced everything there is, same kids in my class every year, only adding a few from out of state each year. I wasn't one to go interact with the new kids, that was "the populars" job, having the new people getting sucked into their idea of perfect. See, that was another thing that bothered me, peoples idea of perfect. Skinny? Tan? Around 5 feet 6 inches? Long straight hair? No. Everyone's idea of perfect is different. We all have such various views on things, and when people stereotype and think only one thing, I don't know, it just highly frustrates me. And don't think for a minute that I'm one of those hippie girls, and I don't wear black everyday either, some call me a hipster, but hey, I like what I like. Cardigans, sweaters, pale color patterns, the usual carefree yet cute wardrobe. Anyway, I've been playing at our town coffee shop called "Kara's Coffee", and recently I've been invited to play in our schools talent show. I'm not very comfortable with singing in front people, but my friend Hadley practically forced me to go. That conversation was quite funny actually...

Hadley: "I've been waiting outside the office for half an hour and those benches are not very comfortable." She whines.

Aria: "Wow, you really do love me" I joke. "The activities administrator said someone came in the office earlier and requested that I join the talent show. She said something about how they didn't want my talent to continue being unknown, and how I had a certain unique sound they couldn't get out of their head..."

Hadley: "Sounds like you have an admirer! You have to do it! Maybe you'll get discovered and I can become the famous best friend. Come on Aria, few people know what you're capable of, you need to show em what you got." She playfully punches my shoulder.

Aria: "Unless it's a girl. Haha I know I'm not leaving until I say yes, so fine, ill do it. But come on, you're gonna be late for Emerson's game." Emerson was Hadley's boyfriend. He was actually a decent guy, not one who said something but didn't mean it, he meant every word he spoke to Hadley, and I have to admit, they were really cute together.

Hadley: "YES! Are you able to join me?"

Aria: "Not today Hads, I have to practice what song I'm going to sing for the show. See you soon."

We part our ways and I head towards my car in the senior parking lot. I owned a 2007 black off-roading jeep, it used to be my uncles so I got it for a decent price. When I walk to my car, I notice a thin white square flapping in the wind on my windshield. I pick it up, it looked like guys hand writing. "Hope you're playing in the talent show, you'll be the only decent act there. You left an impact on me at the coffee shop the other day, hopefully we'll meet again. -L" I felt a smile formed on my face, a genuine smile, which I haven't felt in a while. It's a long story and I'm sure ill tell you sometime later, its changed who I was and who I am now. So much changed after that day, and I haven't felt fully happy since...


Hey everyone! Thank you so much for reading the first part of my story, each chapter will be a new point of view. Please continue to read, comment, follow and vote because I promise it gets better:) 

Lots of love xx 

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