Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 


Tuesday the terrible. That’s what my little sister calls it.

Loki:“Levi! Get up! Its Tuesday the Terrible! Leviiii, come on its time to get up! I made you breakfast!”.

Levi: “Okay Loki, I’ll be right down.”  She hops off my bed and before she leaves I tell her, “Thanks for the breakfast little L”. She giggled, which made me smile. She was my #1 fan, and I was hers.  

I got dressed, and walked down the stairs. I found my mom finishing making Loki’s lunch, and Loki getting me a cup for my coffee.

Loki: “Here you go Levi” I grabbed the cup from her and smiled, and asked if she could get me the vanilla creamer, and she happily agreed. My mom had a job interview at Karas today, so she left quickly, and expected me to take Loki to school. I didn’t mind doing it, I just wanted to get to school early to hopefully see or even talk to Aria.

 Before Loki got out of the car for school, she hopped off the front seat, turned around and said, “Levi, I can tell you’re starting to become happy again, and I like it…see you later, don’t forget I have rehersal after school!” I nod my head and wave to her as I drive off towards NHS.

Luckily when I got there, the spot next to Arias jeep was open. I quickly drove my challenger into the spot, and turned the engine off. I gathered my backpack, double checked my hair in the mirror, and enjoyed the last few seconds of the song blasting from my ipod, “Welcome to my life” by Simple Plan. Old song, but I still love it.

When I got out of my car, I was still quietly singing along to the song, with my earbuds in. Before I knew it, someone was walking beside me, and motioned for me to pull out my earphones. I pull them out curiously, and he told me “Nice voice dude. You should do the talent show, that way we could actually have a decent act in there this year.” I laugh, and intoduce myself, happy with the fact that he liked my singing because I don’t even know this kid, and no one has ever heard me sing.

Levi:” Thanks. And im Levi by the way, im new here.” I hold out my hand for him to shake.

Fin: “Classy. Im Finnley, but everyone calls me Fin. Lived here all my life.” He shakes my hand and we walk through the gates together. I was hoping to see Emerson in the parking lot, so I wouldn’t walk into school alone, but luckily Fin found me and invited me to go to his hang out spot. Not that I mind being alone, I quite enjoy it actually, but my mom says I need to socialize more and blah blah blah. Fin tells me some funny stories about his first day on the baseball team, and I asked him if he knew Emerson.

Fin: “Man, everyone knows Emerson. All the girls love him because of his looks, but he has a girlfriend named Hadley, who is my sisters best friend. We’re like one small family, and I think you’ll fit in perfectly actually haha, that is, if you want to.”

Levi:”Yeah, that would be great. We’ll have to see if they like me first though, haha.” We walk over towards his spot in silence, he’s on his phone and I place my earbuds back in the ear opposite of where Fin is standing. We finally arrive at his spot, somewhere near the two story building next to a tree.

Fin:”I,” Fin announced, “have arrived.” They all laugh, ive noticed Fin is one of those outgoing types, but not the annoying ones. I take out my earphones, and let them hang across my shirt. I glance up and see Aria stitting with her back rested on the tree trunk, reading a book. I quickly inhale and begin to choke. ‘Way to go Levi, great first impression’. Fin jokingly pats on my back.

Fin: “Whoa man, you okay? Don’t die”.

Emerson:”Oh hey Levi! Nice to see you again bro, this is my girlfriend Hadley.”

Hadley:”Nice to meet you Levi, and welcome to Neilton by the way haha” We both wave and smile at eachother, she seemed polite and plesant, her and Emerson seemed like a good fit.

Emerson;”And this is-“ Pointing to Aria, but Fin interupts him, placing his hand on his heart, pretending to be insulted.

Fin:”I can intoduce my own sister, thank you sir. Haha, anyway, Levi, this is my sister Aria.” Aria looks up from her book, and smiles at me. Aria smiled at me. I noticed that she had a lovely shade of grey eyes, similar to my pale blue eyes. I notice she has her bangs perfectly swept to the left side of her face again, and a tiny braid running through the side of her hair.

Levi:”Hey”. It was a little awkward, since I didn’t really know them yet, but I tried to keep my eyes off Aria by looking around aimlessly. Fin adresses the awkward silence by blurting, “Oh! Levi’s joining the talent show. He’ll be singing.”

Levi:”What? No im not, Ive never sang in front of anyone, and would like to keep it that way haha”

Fin:”Oh come on, don’t sell yourself short. Youre a great singer.” He directed his gaze towards Aria, “Oh, and he was singing the song you always listen to…the one by Simple Plan I believe.” Arias face glances up at mine, and she seems quite intrigued.

Aria:”Welcome to My Life?” Her face lit up, probably amazed that someone still listens to that song.

Levi:”Yeah, it’s a great song”. Damn, cant I think of anything better to say? I run my fingers through my hair as the bell rings, signaling to go to 1st period. 


Hiya! Thank you for reading the sixth chapter:) Aha i dunno but i like to write in Levis point of view, so his chapters are normally a little longer. Anyway, pleaseee continue to read, comment, and vote!

Love ya lots xx

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