Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 


Im so stoked that Aria agreed to go pick up Loki with me. I knew it was sort of a risk asking, but I felt a random rush flow through my veins, and before I knew it, I was asking her.

We arrived at my challenger, and I place our bags in the backseat.

Aria: Oh, wait!” She reaches into the backseat and pulls out her phone from her purse pocket. I don’t know what it was with girls always having to hold their phone, but eh, who knows anything about women. I glance over at her screen while starting the engine, and see that she has 17 unread messages.

Levi: Someone really needs to talk to you it looks like haha”

Aria: "They can wait.” She has a cold tone to her voice, and im guessing this person isnt exactly on good terms with her.

Levi: "Alright, well heres my ipod. You can connect it in the usb spot, and play whatever you’d like.” She seems a little happier know, and eagerly grabs my ipod out of my hands. Her fingers glide across my iTouch, and I notice that her nails are painted maroon, one of my favorite colors, but I don’t really tell people that, cause apparently that’s a girly color. Whatever.

After scrolling through my library, she chooses to put on a band called “The Cab”. I smile at  her song selection, and she continues to scroll. By the time we get to the music shop, we’ve heard bits and pieces of at least 20 songs, she couldn’t decide which one to listen to.

Aria":I really enjoy your music selection…”

Levi: "haha I can tell.”

Aria: "But, ill have to make you a cd with some other artists I know of that I believe you’ll love.” This is great. First day meeting Aria in person, and she is already planning to see me again. We walk around the music shop for a while, sharing what tresures we found. Aria bought a few cds while I went next door to but us some coffee, then we left to go get Loki.

Loki was just stepping outside the door when we arrived. I walked out of my challenger and waited about a yard away from the car. Loki came running up to me and I embraced her in a hug. I picked up her backpack and held it as we walked to the car. I placed her bag in the backseat, and held the door open for her. When I sat back down in the drivers seat, I introduced them.

Levi: "Aria, meet my younger sister Loki. Loki, meet my friend Aria.” They both say their hellos and Loki tells us about her day, and how some kid named Emmett ate all of the chicken nuggets during lunch.

Levi: "How unfortunate” I joke, and Loki punches my shoulder.

Aria:"haha she showed you” We all talk some more, and im glad both of the girls get along. I pull into the baseball parking lot about 15 minutes later, and we all get out of the car. I inform Loki about my new friends and how they are on the varsity baseball team here. She seems very interested, even though she didn’t know much about baseball.

We take some seats on the top row of the bleachers near Hadley. While introducing Hadley to Loki, I hear Arias phone begin to vibrate again. She ignores it the first couple of times, however, it continues to ring.

Levi:"Um, I believe your phone is ringing haha”

Aria: "Thanks, I didn’t notice” Sarcasim. Very nice.

Arias facial expression  turns from happy to worried and she tells us she’ll be right back.

Aria: "Um, im-im sorry. Excuse me for a few, ill be…ill be right back.” She takes her phone with her, and walks toward the parking lot, out of listening reach. 


Ello everyone c: Thank you thank you thank you for reading chapter nine! Yay for another Levi chapter;) Please continue to read, comment, and vote! 

Lots of love xx

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