Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 


Uh, hi. I’m Reno, Arias “ex boyfriend”. I put that in quotes because in my opinion, we’re not over. She cant just decide when she wants to leave, that’s my decision, she’s the girl, and I’m the guy. I call the shots.

Anyway, this is somewhat of a summary of what happened: It was during winter break, and we were hanging out at my house. We were watching one of her TV shows, and in all honestly, I was seriously bored out of my mind. I turned my head and just stared at her, not with anger, but just simply looked at her. I traced her jaw line and began to kiss her neck.

Aria: “Reno…stop, please. I don’t want to do this right now.”

Reno: “Why? Its not like you’re actually interested in that crap they call a TV show.”

Aria: “Actually I am, its just enjoyable to watch. Can you get your hand off my leg? Reno. Stop.”

Reno: “What’s with you? Its like you never want me near you anymore.”

Aria: “Its not that I don’t want you near me, I just don’t want you to touch me all the time, is that such a big deal?”

Reno: “Yes, its starting to become one. I’m your boyfriend Aria, its not uncommon that I simply kiss or touch you. Just…come here.” I place my fingers on her chin, and pull her close to me. I look into her eyes, they were a lovely shade of grey, and she looked into mine, but I can tell something was wrong.

Reno: “What’s wrong Aria? Why cant you just talk to me?”

Aria: “Because you never listen.”

Reno: “Excuse me? Then what do you call this right now?” I let go of her chin, and she turns away. “Um excuse me bitch, I’m talking to you.” Now, this is when I became really pissed off,  she barley mumbled it, but I heard it.

Aria:”…and you wonder why I don’t trust you.”

Reno: ”Oh so you don’t trust me? Well you should, I’m one of the only people that actually cares about you! You’re always the main topic people talk about at school, you’re lucky that I protect you when I hear them talk shit about you, especially about your scars.”

Aria: “Well I don’t need you to protect me, because you were once one of those dirt bags that made fun of me, and don’t you ever bring up my scars as a valid argument to prove your point.”

Reno: “Well look at me now! I’m your boyfriend, willing to do anything for you, and you cant even tell me what you’re thinking. Look, just *sigh*. . .here. . .” I begin to kiss her neck again, and I feel her try to pull back, but I pull her closer. I kiss her harder, more passionately.

Aria: “Reno, please...”

Reno: “Stop…let me do this…” She’s resisting, but she knows nothing she can say will make me back off. I lean in more and she begins to lay down on the couch we were on, making slight moans. I smile and kiss her again, over and over. I sit up a little and take off my shirt, and begin to unbutton hers.

Aria: “Reno, no. I’m serious. I don’t want to-“

Reno: “I don’t care what you want. I want you, and I do as I please.” I was almost down to her final button, when she sits up. I push her back down and she yells.

Aria: “What are you doing? Just let me go home, ill call you later and we can talk then, maybe even Skype, okay?”

Reno: “You think I want to Skype? Hell no. I want you, here and now.“

Aria: “Well I don’t feel the same! I’m not ready and I don’t want this-”

Anger bubbled up inside me and before she spoke another word, I smacked her face. It sounded like a slap, but the pain felt like a punch. It left a huge mark on the left side of her face, and since she was wearing her hair in a ponytail, it was clearly visible.   

Reno: “Aria-I...I-“ I honestly didn’t know what to say. I’ve had anger management issues in the past, because when someone got me mad, I would become violet with no control over what I did. She knew this, but accepted me because she had problems in the past as well. “Just two troubled kids in love”, she would always say.

A tear begins to form, and pours out of her eyes. I try to wipe it way, but she looks at me with pure fear, pushes my arm away, and barely chokes out, “Don’t touch me”. She ran out of my door that day, and she hasn’t came back since. I don’t blame her, but it really shouldn’t be that big of a deal anymore. If she would ever answer my calls, I would apologize to her, over and over again, and mean it, but she wont give me the chance.

We go to different high schools now, because I had to move to a different house on the other side of town. I bet she’s happy that I moved, but I am for sure as hell not. I just want her back, wither she likes it or not.


Ello everyone! Thank you for reading the fifth chapter! Sorry if it was a little bit of an odd or touchy subject, but i promise there isnt much violence in this story:) So, please continue to read, comment, and vote!

Love you all xx

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