Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


Uh, hi? I’m new to town. I used to live in a small town in New York, but I recently moved to southern California. It’s a nice town, but it’s a lot more dull then seeing the sky scrapers everyday. On my first day here, I unpacked my boxes then went out for a drive in my grey dodge challenger. I ended up at the local coffee shop called “Kara’s Coffee”. It was very welcoming and the barista even flirted with me. And you see, well that day changed everything. After I got my black vanilla iced coffee, I heard the faint sound of a guitar playing and saw a bunch of people huddled in the back left corner. I walk over, and literally feel my heart race increase. I saw the most beautiful girl, singing and playing the guitar, gracefully sitting on a stool. Her hair was wavy dark brown, and her bangs fell perfectly on the left side of her face. She wore a dull floral dress, a grey cardigan and dark grey suede shoes. Then, she started to sing. I cant tell you what my thoughts were while she was singing, because my mind honestly went blank. All I can remember is that her voice was so…smooth, and had an indie-pop yet alternative feel to it, and I felt the desire to live again. I felt like, like she could give me a purpose, that her love can take me to the end, as long as she was by my side. Now, don’t mistake me for some teenage creeper, I’m not. I’ve just had a rough past and want to move away from it. You know those days when you just want to go home, forget everything that happened to you that day, take an extra long shower hoping to wash away your problems, and sleep your problems away and not talk to anyone except your dog? Yeah? Well that was my life for about two years. I’ll eventually tell you the story, but I don’t want to ruin the moment. Anyway, my mom sent me a text saying that she needed my help again unpacking the kitchen boxes, so I eventually left the coffee shop after a few more songs. Before I left, I asked the barista what the singers name was, “Aria, I believe”. Aria. Has a unique ring to it doesn’t it?

I got home and helped my mom unload the boxes. My little sister helped as well, but she was only 11 so I did most of the work, I didn’t mind though, I was the older brother that actually loved the younger sister. She’s quite mature for her age and gives me “life advice” if she thinks I’ve had a bad day.

The next day was a Monday, everyone just loves Mondays... This was my first day at my new high school, Neilton High. This was my third time moving, so I’m used to the whole “welcome to our school, hope you enjoy it here” speech from the office staff.  A crazy thought popped into my head when I saw a handwritten sign on the office door, it read “TALENT SHOW. APRIL 27. SINGERS, PERFORMERS, AND ANYONE ELSE WELCOME. PLEASE COME AND SUPPORT YOUR SCHOOL, GO HUSKIES!”. My eyes stared at the single word “singers”. Arias voice popped into my head, and transformed into a lovely melody. While passing through the office, I saw the activities administrators desk, and sat down in their chair.

Staff: “Um, hello. Are you the new student here?”

Me: “Yes. I’m Levi.” I offer her my hand, and she shakes it. I explain to her how I saw a girl at the local coffee shop yesterday, a girl named Aria. I asked if anyone went to this school similar to that, and luckily enough her name was in the school registry.

Staff: “Do you mean…*looks at computer* Aria Leighfield? She’s a senior here, you said you wanted to have her join the talent show?” I try my best to describe Arias voice capability, but my words were no match for the talent to she actually held. The woman agreed to have a talk with her about joining, saying she would try her best to persuade Aria. If you cant tell, I love to say her name, Aria. The tingling sensation it leaves on my tongue and the good type of numbness on my lips afterwards, I just cant help but to repeat her name in my head, accompanied with the mental image of her in the shop that day…

Me: “And if you don’t mind, can you not tell her that I was the one that came to talk to you? I plan on telling her later today…just-“

Staff: “Don’t worry about it, my lips are sealed. Have a great first day Mr. Levi.” I walked away with a grin plastered on my face. This smile, I thought to myself, is the start of something. I just know it. Keep your head up Levi, things might go good for a change

It just so happened that I had 1st period AP English with Aria. She sat in the back of the first row when you walked in the door. I handed my teacher the pass, and she informed me to sit in the row next to Aria. Crap crap crap. I sat down and got my notebook out, along with my pen, and began to doodle as the teacher talked about the assignment. I glance over at Aria, pretending to look at the clock, and notice she had a small, vintage notebook open on her desk, and it looked like she was writing something…my head quickly shot down and I pretended to look at my own paper, because Aria looked up at the teacher who was still rambling on. Before I know it, the class ends and Aria bolts out of the classroom, leaving me to only catch a glimpse of her dark brown hair as she exited through the door.

Distracted in my thoughts, after my last period, AP Psychology, the teacher asked me and another guy to stay after class.

Mr. Lloyd:” Levi and Emerson please stay after class for a moment…” Both of us walked up to his desk, and he spoke again. “Emerson, meet Levi. Levi, Emerson.” We nod heads then look back at the teacher. “I wanted you two to meet because Levi is new here, and Emerson has similar classes to you, and you two seem you can manage to become friends, I wouldn’t wanted Levi to leave here today without knowing someone.” He laughs, and we both smile to be polite. “Well, that’s it. See you boys tomorrow, don’t forget to look over chapter 17 tonight!” He yells at out the door as we bolt out of the room.

Levi:” Like he expects us to read a full 40 page chapter and have time for a life”

Emerson: “Agreed! No one has time for that, let alone even wants to read it.” We both joke around a while longer before Emerson says he has to go to his Baseball game over at the back of the school. He invited me to go but I assured him that I had a few things to take care of. I headed towards the senior parking lot and looked for Arias car. I knew what it was because at Kara’s, I saw a old black jeep with a guitar case in the back. I eventually found it and left a note on her car, hopefully she thinks this is more cute than creepy…                        


Hey again! Thanks for reading the second chapter, aha met some new characters such as thee lovely Levi;) Please continue to read, comment and vote, it means a lot to me:) 

Lots of love xx

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