Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Arias POV

The car ride home was a comforable silence, neither myself or Hadley talking, justing listening to the band The Neighbourhood. It was a good distraction for a while, when Hadley broke the silence and asked, "So, um...what are you going to do? You know, about the whole Reno asking you to runaway with him while Levi is here...and well, um, sortaperfectforyou." She spoke the last few words so fast, but I knew what she said. Mainly because its true. I cant help but to love the broken ones, the ones who need the most patching up, maybe because I see a part of me in them, missing that one piece that leads to happiness...the ones who feel alone even in a crowded room. My eyes search for them. I cant help but want them to feel loved. Maybe thats why I was drawn to Reno, the broken bad boy. But theres different types of broken, and Reno has made that decsion himself to stay broken in a way no one can help him, just because he likes acting like a badass, when really Levi is the real hero among us...he has been to rock bottom, and chose to live happy. He chose happiness...and thats all i want...". By this point we arrived at Hadleys driveway but none of us got out of the car. The song "Sweater Weather" was just ending, causing the sound to fade and my thoughts to increase. Hadley cleared her throat, "Well Aria, its all up to you. You know I love you and I know that we both know whats right. I remember watching a tv show once...and they said something that relates to this a little too well, haha. 'There's a difference between loving the idea of someone and actually loving who they are'. I think you know who is who with that said, and my phone will be on if you need me...". One thing out of many that i adored about Hadley was that she allowed me to be alone and have time to think, never hovering over me. 

As soon as I saw that she was safe inside, I headed over to Levis house. I knew he wouldnt be home for about another hour, which I was grateful for, because it would give me time to think. I just had the feeling that he would give honest opinions compared to Reno, who would just force me to go with him. 

Without knowing it, I fell asleep, and awoke during the chours of the song "Nothing Left To Say" by Imagine Dragons. Oddly enough, it was perfect timing because I saw Levis challenger appraoching in the rear view mirror. I noticed his car speeding up, the roar of his engine becoming louder. He rushed out of his car and i met him by my passenger door. 

"Hey Aria, is everything okay?" He smelled of dirt and sweat, but with a hint of Old Spice. 

"I, um...well, kind of." He stood there, waiting for me to go on, while i just played with the note in my hand, flipping it through my fingers. I saw him eye the note, and worry flashed across them. "Here. I found this on my car earlier after school..."

He unfolded the note and read it in silence. He sighed and handed it back. "I thought....I thought you were done with him, after the way hes treated you..." 

"I was...i am..." I shook my head, unsure of just about everything at the moment. 

"Any idea about what youre going to do?" He shifted his weight from his left leg to his right, signaling he was uncomfortable. 

"Im leaning more one way than the other. I just...wanted to see what you thought."

"You mean you want me to persuade you to stay here, to tell you that I love you and such..."

My gaze met his, and noticed no sence of a lie in his voice. "I um, what? Levi, I-" 

"Well Aria, its quite true. Youre a mystery worth solving, a girl whos beautiful because she has the ablity to make someone smile while shes uncontrolably who makes my life worth while."

I remained quiet, unsure how to react. Reno never said anything near that to me, just talking about my exterior, while not caring about whats lying underneath. I dont know how I didnt see it before. I felt like such an idiot standing there, unable to speak, unable to see what was standing right before me, a miracle for what it seemed. 

"Aria, I know there isnt always something to smile about. I know what its like when everyone is moving on and you just remain still. How you never know what to do, always unsure and wanting to ignore the world, ignore yourself. To stay up all night, listening to music because it feels as if the lyrics are the only thing that understand you. Its okay to be a little sad. Its okay to feel lost. But just know, its always perfectly okay to pick yourself up and feel that joy you once experienced when you were little, Aria, I want you to be happy to wake up. To look forward to something...even the little things.". I was looking into his eyes at this point, trying to cover the tears that were threatening to surface. "Aria, I want you to know that youre loved." And with that said, he kissed me. He leaned in, gently lifted my jaw forward with his hand, and placed the other on my waist. While he let go, I didnt. I stayed close to him. I felt peace and safe wrapped in his arms, his heartbeat being the only thing I care about listening to, his eyes being the only thing i want to look at, his heart being the only one who knew me, the real me. I smiled at him, and he smiled back, opening the passenger door behind me and lifting me up and placing me in the seat. 

"What are you doing?" I ask, begining to laugh, and allowing the tears flow out of my eyes, for once filled more with happiness than sadness. 

"Coffee. Where else?"

"What about the talent show? Its tonight at 7."

"I never would have thought that a school event would matter more to you than a coffee, well if you insist-"

"No way! Coffee it is. But youre paying."

"I'll be glad to." He smiled, and wrapped his hand around mine, and drove away from the curb of his house, heading toward the coffee shop. On the ride there, the song "She Will Be Loved" by Maroon5 came on, and I laughed at the irony. I was looking out the window, the sunset setting before my eyes, when I heard Levi humming along with the singer. I quietly sang, and he joined in, both of us laughing once we hit the end of the song, and in that moment, I wouldnt have changed anything. We got to the coffee shop and sat down by the window, watching the sky appear with stars in the distance, and for once, I felt as if things were going the way they should, with Levi at my side, coffee in my hand, and music filling my ears. I, was at home. 


Hello! Well, thats it! D-O-N-E! Not the exact way I planned to end it, but it worked out. Team Levi of course. Thank you guys all so so so much for reading this. It really means a lot, espically since its the first thing Ive ever published online. I know it wasnt anywhere near perfect or amazing, but i hope you liked it. Thanks again and please vote, follow for (maybe) future stories and comment anything:) 

Love you all. xx

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