Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


I woke up early today, with my outfit already planned, and informed my mom that I had a study group and had to arrive at school early. It was a lie of course, but I just wanted to... no I needed to meet Aria there early.

I was one of the only people in the parking lot when I got to school, and I waited outside my car, with my back leaned against the passenger door. I waited, and waited, and waited. The parking lot has almost filled up now and Arias car still wasn't there, and I changed my position to where I was sitting on the pavement, legs stretched out before me. I plugged my iPod into my ears, placed my black wayfarer ray bands on, and was prepared to stay there the whole day when I felt someone lightly kick my foot. I pulled out my earphones and saw Fin standing there. He sat down next to me, and I scooted over, so he had room to rest his back on my car.

Finn: "I don't believe she's coming today."

Levi: "And why is that?"

Finn:"...because she didn't even come home yesterday. And didn't call or text." I became worried, and my mind began to wander to the worst things that could have happened to her. I shut my eyes tight and try to let go of those horrid thoughts. I decide to show Fin the note that was left on my car yesterday, informing Finn how I once left a note on her car, signed "L", and now we're pretty positive she left this one for me, signed "A". Fin got the same worried look on his face again, like the one he wore yesterday, and explained to me how Aria had to go to many hospitals two years ago to try and get help.

Finn: "She wasn't physically sick, no, if only it was that simple. She was mentally. She became very mute, and suffered silently. Began to cut her wrists and thighs the doctor estimated she started this about 5 months before I took her in to the local hospital. Our mom was totally overwhelmed, for Aria had no reason to be sad, it just overcame her and wouldn't let go." He explained how she fell into depression, and it took weeks to even get her to walk out of bed. "All she did was stare at the ceiling while listening to her music, or wake up, look around, and would fall back asleep to try and avoid it all. It became worse and worse, and I hated to see her this way, it tore me apart as well as a lot of other people she thought never cared about her. Anyway, I've been seeing the way she was acting lately, and noticed the same fake smile plastered on her face like she used to wear two years back. I think I saw a few real smiles when you showed up, but not even your presence could take out the dark claws that have dug so deep into her..." I honestly sat there in awe. I had a similar life story, but always kept quiet about it, yet here Fin is, telling me some of the hardest times he's ever faced, about someone we both care about .


Ello! Thank you for reading chapter 16:) Hope you enjoyed this chapter, some heart to heart guy convos are always the best haha Please continue to read, vote, follow and comment!

Love you lots xx

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