Eren x Reader ii

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"Come on, hold Daddy's hand , Kate." Eren held his hand out to the four year old baby girl. Your baby. His baby.
He was such a great father and husband. He was caring and kind and patient. In all honesty, it had surprised you. You knew during high school how tough and impatient he could be. Especially with Jean. He was the exact opposite with you and the baby.
Eren swung Kate up into one of his arms, holding your hand with his free hand while the three of you crossed the street to the community's park. You smiled warmly up at the loves of your life.
Eren caught sight of you from the corner of his eye and paused on the sidewalk to lean down and kiss you. Kate squealed and held her arms out, crying out, "Mommy!" How you would never tire of hearing that word.
You scooped her out of your husband's arms and carried her the rest of the way to the park.
Entering, Eren said, "what do you want to do first, Kate?"
Kate reached an arm out, pointing to the left. "Swings!"
Eren put her into a child safe swing and gently started to rock it back and forth. She giggled excitedly. "Higher Daddy! Higher!" Chuckling, he obliged by pushing her a little harder earning an enthusiastic squeal.
There weren't that many people in the park today, you noticed thankfully. It made you a bit nervous when there was a lot of people around Kate. There were a few older children playing on the slides and monkey bars. There was a couple with a child in a swing a few swings away.
You glanced back down but whipped your head up when you noticed a burger smile and freckles from the corner of your eye. "Marco?!"
Marco turned to see who was calling his name and saw you. He was with Jean and ... Their kid? "Y/n!"
He walked over, Jean following with a baby boy his arms. Marco hugged you. "It's been so long!"
Eren looked up from Kate and brightened when he saw Marco. However, it didn't last long when he noticed Jean behind him. His bright grin turned to a dark snarl.
You got a little nervous. This was Jean. Your husband's least favorite person. You didn't want the kids to see them fight. You touched his arm.
Marco seemed to realize the tension and changed the subject. He took the child from Jean's arms. "This is Blake!" Blake had freckles like Marco did.
Kate squeaked. You picked her up from the swing and introduced her to them.
"Daddy! Can I play?" Kate reached her tiny hand out to Blake who smiled, showing adorable little dimples. Marco and you set down the kids who ran off giggling. "I'm four." With a show a fingers, you saw from Kate. "I'm five." You heard from Blake.
The four of you adults went to the benches to watch the children play while you talked. You and Marco sat in between Jean and Eren.
"When did you marry?" Marco asked.
"A year after I had Kate. And you?" You asked noticing the rings on their fingers.
"Six years." Jean said. "Good to see you by the way y/n." He smiled genuinely.
Eren for once didn't have an unimpressed, rude expression as he regarded the couple in front of him.
You knocked Eren with your elbow. He gave a tight smile as Marco began talking.
And the four of you didn't stop talking for quite a time. Marco, Jean, Eren, and you reminisced about high school and retold stories you had once heard long ago. You kept a close eye on the kids as the adults talked. They seemed to be getting along great and you were really enthusiastic about that.
Eren and Jean hadn't argued seriously. They had said little bitch comments but nothing to cause a fight like it would have in high school. You were extremely proud of him and planned to keep that in mind when you went home later.
Kate and Blake ran up to where your group was sitting. Kate reached her arms out to you and you hoisted her up onto your lap.
"Mommy I'm hungry."
You smiled gently and pet her curls. "Maybe we can get something with Blake and his dads, yeah?" You raised your eyebrows at the other men who looked at each other for a moment before nodding.
It was a short walk to the nearest cafe. Eren carried Kate who babbled to Blake who was walking beside Eren, holding Jean's hand. You all sat down at a table near the window after ordering the kids some food and the adults some coffee.
You realized just how much you had missed these men. Jean was so funny and Marco was so sweet. The sudden thought of never seeing them after this hurt your heart.
"Marco," you began after everyone had finished their drinks and the kids had begun to get tired, "we will all see each other soon right?"
Marco laughed a tinkling laugh. "Of course y/n!"
You sighed in relief and pulled Jean and Marco into a tight hug. "I already gave you my number, so you better use it."
"Yeah yeah y/n. I know. Sheesh. Glad I'm not married to you." Jean teased. Eren snickered behind you.
"Well I am too because you're gay as hell, remember?" You smirked, punching him lightly on the shoulder. They all laughed.
Kate yawned from Eren's arms and giggled tiredly. "Jeany is gay as hell mommy."
Everyone's eyes widened and you winced, cursing quietly. "Let's not say that Kate."
"Even though it's true." Marco murmured under his breath. Everyone laughed.
Finally, it was time to say goodbye. As you parted ways, Kate started sobbing that she was sad she's never see Blake again and that was her 'bestest friend in the whole world,'
Hating to see the second love of your life cry like that, you vowed not to let that happen.
You looked up at Eren who was still holding the crying child and smiled lovingly at him.
Slowly, he notices your eyes on him and glanced at you. "What?"
"I'm just really happy." You skipped a little.
Eren chuckled. "Okay, love, be just that."
You smiled again and leant up to kiss him, then Kate who had fallen asleep.
You loved this family so much. Your family that you had built with Eren. You couldn't have asked for more.

WOWIE WOW WOW I haven't updated in 892 years and I'm so sorry. I have had such a wrITERS BLOCK. also I've had a hard time with life rn. I love you ALL THOUGH IM SO SURPRISED I HAVE LIKE 20K READS HOLY FUCK THANKS
Maybe comment and vote and I'll get motivation to write more??

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