Levi x Erwin

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Levi x Erwin

"Make me some coffee." Levi demanded, banging a tired fist  against the dining tables. Levi was not a morning person. How Erwin stood up with him period is something the world may never know.

At least he hasn't cussed at me yet, Erwin shrugged, that's a first. He started brewing some coffee on the stove of their kitchen. Theirs. Erwin would never get tired of that word. Theirs. Together. He loved it.

He felt a soft thump on his back and turned around to an exhausted Levi feebly pounding his fist against Erwin. "No, you idiot." He yawned. "I want Starbucks."

Erwin turned off the stove and raised his eyebrows. "Since when did you become the stereotypical white chick?"  He laughed at his stupid joke.

Levi glared. "Since when did you decide you didn't want balls anymore Erwin? Now hurry up. I want coffee." Levi grabbed his keys from the book by the door. He was still in his pajamas. His pajamas usually consisted of less clothes but Erwin thought Levi in simple ducky pants and a white muscle shirt was just as cute. Especially with his bed head that made him look like a punk.

"I thought you liked tea better than coffee Levi." Erwin followed him downstairs and through the parking lot to their car. Again with that word. Erwin mentally rolled his eyes at himself. Since when did he become such a wweirdo.

"I do. I just get coffee cravings every once in a while." They climbed into their black '72 Chevy Impala. It was Levi's. His babe away from Erwin, he'd always say.

"God, you sound like you have periods." Erwin laughed.

Levi glared again but didn't reply. He started the impala and drove smoothly to the coffee shop down the street. It wasn't Starbucks.

"I thought you wanted Starbucks." Levi parked in the front. It was surprisingly not busy. It should get more attention. It was an adorable place with little tables with red umbrellas in front. Gorgeous, multicolored flowers were in pots everywhere. "I decided not to be mainstream."

Erwin grinned. "You're so gay."

"Only for you, babe." They opened the door and were immediately overwhelmed by the delicious aromas of pastries and coffees. The sun was just beginning to come up. It barely shone through the windows, but gave enough light for no artificial lights to be on. The air was chilly and crisp. Levi wrapped his arms around his shoulders. He'd forgotten to get dressed. Ah, well, it wasn't like anyone would dare say anything about it.

He walked up to the counter, grabbing Erwin's hand lightly telling the old woman what he wanted. She nodded and went to the back to get the pastries and coffee Levi had ordered.

Levi turned to Erwin. Erwin smiled down at him, snaking his arms around his waist. Levi lazily slung his arms on Erwin's hips. His eyes were half-lidded and he rested his head against Erwin's muscular chest. "I've decided I'm in like like with you Erwin." he mumbled.

"Oh yeah? Maybe I'm in like like with you too."

"Yeah but I'm not the girl in this relationship."

"But you already have the period thing down. And gentlemen always pay for the lady." Erwin pecked the top of Levi's head.

The woman came back out smiling with their order and they pulled away. "See I'll prove it too you," Erwin said. "I'll pay." He tries to squeeze in between the counter and Levi but he was stopped.

"Don't be stupid, Erwin. There's no need." Levi flashed a wallet in his face and fished out a ten, handing it to the woman. Her name tag said Carla.

Funny that looked a lot like Erwin's wallet. Wait a second... Erwin felt his back pockets. Sure enough, his wallet was missing. Levi grabbed his purchase and Erwin's hand and they walked back to the impala.

He set his coffee (which smelled suspiciously like a Carmel Latte) in the cup holder and the snacks in his lap. "Thanks for paying babe." He kissed Erwin on the cheek.

Erwin rolled his eyes and frowned. "But what do I get out of that?"

Levi leaned closer. Erwin could smell the coffee on his skin. "I can be your girl for a while." He whispered huskily in his ear.

Erwin grinned. "Oh yes. But I'm still hungry so you're going to have to share."

Levi smirked and rolled his eyes. Reaching down into the bag in his lap, he lifted out a blueberry muffin and handed it to Erwin. Erwin looked like a child on Christmas. His eyes lit up when he saw the muffin. Levi had known that was his favorite. He hated blueberries so he would never have eaten it. Erwin bit into happily as Levi started the car. "Yeah I definitely like like you."


oh god I'm actually really fricking proud of this even tho I'm not huge on eruri this was so cute

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