Jean x Armin

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Jean x Armin

Armin sang along softly to his new favorite animated movie: Frozen.

"Do you wanna build a snowman? Come on let's go out and play! I never see you anymore, come out the door..." Armin giggled at the little Ana trying to get her older sister out of her bedroom. 

"How do you know all of the words to all of this songs in this movie?" Armin looked up at Jean. They were both cuddled up under a big blanket on their sofa. They'd been going out for a while now.

"Because I appreciate it." Armin said matter-of-factly.

Jean rolled his eyes. He repositioned Armin on top of him. Armin grinned up at his lover.  "You appreciate a cheesy animated movie that's for children?" Jean teased, poking Armin's nose lightly.

Armin feigned hurt. He threw the blanket off of them and sat up a bit.  "Wow rude much?"

"As a matter of fact, I'm worse than rude, I'm awful."

Armin straddled Jean and put his arms on either side of Jean's head.

"I can tell."

Jean sat up so now Armin was sitting on his lap with his arms lying limp on Jean's shoulders.  "I'm just messing with you, baby." He kissed Armin's nose.

Armin turned his head back to the movie. He hummed the 'Let it Go' song softer than before when he was singing. Jean figured he was tired.

Sure enough, by the time the movie was over, the smart was fast asleep in Jean's arms, and it was way past when they usually go asleep.

He sighed contentedly in his sleep and snuggled closer.

Jean got up as carefully and quietly as he could and carried Armin into their bedroom. Armin twitched in his sleep.

He lay down next to Armin, pulling him close to his chest.

Jean kissed Armin softly on the lips. "Goodnight, Armin. I love you."

"Love you too Jean." Armin mumbled sleepily.

ew but aww
I think Armin would top. just saying

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