Jean x Mikasa

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"Jean stop being a baby!" Eren taunted. Eren had his arm wrapped around the waist of a petite blonde boy. Jean glared Eren. "It's not even that scary you douchehole."
Jean huffed, crossing his arms. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught some movement. There was Mikasa, beautiful, quiet Mikasa.
"Hey! Stop staring at my sister like that you creep!" Jean switch his gaze over to Eren and glared again.
"Listen here you piece of--"
"Jean!" Jean felt a soft punch to his shoulder. "you promised to try and be good." Marco scolded.
He glanced over noticed Mikasa with a slight smirk. She saw him looking and hid it behind her scarlet scarf. He distinctly heard teasing in the background.
"If I go to this stupid haunted house will you shut up!" he barked at Eren. Eren smiled condescendingly.
The line they had been standing in, waiting to get into the haunted house, quickly shortened until the group was next.
As soon as they walked in, their ears were assaulted by horrible music booming from unseen speakers. Jean rolled his eyes. There wasn't anything that could scare him.
As they passed through dark hallways, figures in bloody costumes jumped out and screeches in their already faces.
There was a room where bloody people and meat was hanging from the ceiling. There was one room where a man with a chainsaw chased them through two rooms. Those things and the eerie music made the haunted house pretty spooky. But Jean wasn't scared. He wasn't doing it to prove anything to Eren. It just wasn't very scary. He's seen worse than this.
As they walked out of the backdoor of the "haunted house", something landed on Jean's face. Something alive... ?
Jean screamed incredibly loud.
Spiders were the nastiest, scariest things on the planet. He started slapping desperately at his face and ran around in circles around the group who was dying of laughter. His screams became shrill as the spider began crawling down his face and towards his eyes.
Jean jumped into Mikasa's arms. She nearly fell backwards as she caught him out of reflex.
Almost immediately, Jean calmed down. He realized that there was actually no spider and it was just Eren tickling him with a feather (though how he hadn't noticed was beyond him).
It was this girl... this girl that usually had little to no expression on her face was surprisingly calming.
Mikasa's eyebrow raised slowly and she looked at him strangely. "Okay this is getting weird."
She dropped him on the concrete.
He landed on his butt. "Ow! What the heck Mikasa?!"
"You were staring at me like cops do when the donuts come fresh out of the oven." She picked at her peeling nail polish.
Jean looked around at his friends and Eren. They all kind of just whistled and pretended nothing was happening, wandering off ahead. They knew something was about to happen and didn't want to be there to witness it. (Except Eren who was grinning evilly and had to be dragged away by Marco and Armin.)
"I was staring at you because you're weird." Jean realized how bad that sounded and backpedaled. "I mean, well because you... ah, well you don't really have facial expressions. And that calmed me down because I am deathly afraid of those little buggers and it turned out to be your stupid little brother..." He trailed off when he saw her smile.
"Step brother. And glad I could help." She reached out a hand and helped him up off the ground.
Jean was glad for a few reasons as they rejoined the group.
1) Her smile was really pretty and really contagious.
2) She scolded Eren for being a twat.
3) She hadn't let go of his hand even though there weren't any spiders.

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