Levi x Mikasa

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Levi x Mikasa

Eren had come home every day for the past week hiding his face. Each time, he had something wrong. A busted lip, a black eye, a shiner, a bloody nose.

Mikasa was getting sick of it.

Who was doing this to her little brother? Why? When?

Eren could usually hold up his weight when he was rough housing with Mikasa. Why couldn't he beat up this kid who was doing this to him?

As soon as she heard Eren come in she tore the sunglasses off his face. He had been using the same oversized glasses to hide black eyes and shiners over this week.

This time it was a black eye, already a sickly brown.

"Eren take me to whoever did this to you right now or I'll do worse to you than him." Eren cringed. He opened his mouth to object but when he saw Mikasa's glare, he snapped his mouth shut and nodded.

He took out his car keys and started to drive. He started to drive to unfamiliar part of town.

He stopped in front of a high school parking lot. It wasn't where Eren went.

They stepped out of the car and were immediately swarmed by four teenagers.

The first, a girl with red hair, stepped forward and glared pointedly at Eren."Did you come back to get beat up again?" she snarled. Mikasa gritt her teeth and clenched her fists.

Eren put a hand on Mikasa's shoulder.  "I just need to talk to Levi."
Levi?! Mikasa knew that name. She'd know it anywhere. It was the name of her first crush.

The ginger paused, pursing her lips, then sighed and turned, beckoning them all to follow.

They walked around the school building and into an alleyway. Mikasa glanced behind her. Two of the goodies were behind them and the other two (including the ginger girl) we're in the front.

She looked to her left through her peripheral vision. Then gasped.

It was him. Levi was here. Her heart started to race. She thought about how in like like she was drowning in. She refused to come close to the L word. She'd only said it three times in her life. To Eren twice. And once when she was drunk and made out with some idiot Eren always called Horseface. 

She rebuffed the boys' proposals of like like, shooting them down quicker than they could even control their blush.

But Levi. She knew she was in the L word with him. She'd known him long enough.

Levi sniffed when he saw Eren, not yet noticing the young girl in front of him.

"What? Do you need your another black eye? what do you want brat?" Mikasa blinked. His could she have forgotten how blunt and frank he was.

Then he noticed her. His eyebrows furrowed for a spit second before he calmed himself. It was so fast, it felt like it didn't even happen.  "Mikasa." He knew her name still.  "Why are you with this brat?" Mikasa heard Eren curse under his breath. 

"He's my brother Levi." She steeped herself.  "I'd appreciate if you'd stop picking on him."  her voice came out stone solid. Mikasa was sure her voice would shake.

Levi smirked. He opened his mouth to speak but Eren cut him off.  "How d you guys know each other?!" Levi moved quicker than light. One minute he was there, the next, Eren was on the ground, clutching his neck.

"That was a neck Eren." Levi said in a condescending mother's voice."Don't be such a jackass." 

Mikasa rolled her eyes. She sighed, giving a small smile. 

"We've been friends a while." Levi concluded, pulling Eren to his feet, then kicking him in the stomach so he'd fall again. Mikasa growled. As much as she liked Levi, She hated when Eren got picked on. It boiled her blood.

Mikasa pulled Eren up and behind her so she was inbetween the two of them. Levi smiled. "I've missed you Mikasa." His voice was truthful. She believed him. He was an honest man.

She said nothing though. Levi stepped to her and cradled her cheek in his hand. Despite him being him, her automatic reflexes pulled her arms in motion like puppet strings and she punched him square in the jaw.

His head snapped to the left and he took a step back to balance himself. Eren snickered behind her.
"Not bad Ackerman." Levi wiped at his jaw and looked back at Mikasa.

Moving with his lightening like speed, he kicked her feet out from underneath. She did not fall. She only flipped backwards.

Eren groaned. "I'm sick of all this fighting. Lets go Mikasa. I've forgotten why we came." He ran out before anyone could catch him.

Levi stopped advancing on Mikasa. He smirked." You've improved. I can teach you more. I can also take you to lunch on Saturday." Mikasa blushed and looked away, pulling her red scarf over her mouth. She was screaming on the inside. She Kept her cool though, and nodded.

She'd have a date with her beloved Levi on Saturday. 

(A/N: IM SO SORRY I GOT GROUND AND I STILL AM BUT IDC SO HERE I AM I hoped you liked it. Sorry it's so late friend)

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