Armin X Eren

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Armin X Eren

"Hey I know you!" A boy threw  himself down in the seat in front of Armin suddenly.

Armin jumped and clenched the coffee cup tight in his hands and brought it to his lips for a drink. Of course, Armin knew the boy already. He would know those brilliant eyes anywhere. The boy was Eren Jaeger. Eren was in Armin's chemistry and English classes. He was kind of goofy and got frustrated at teachers and students easily.

Armin had gone to Starbucks every single day at the exact same time for a year now. He even knew the schedules of all of the employees. Eren had started coming every day for a month now at the same time as Armin.

Each time Armin saw the handsome boy his stomach got a peculiar feeling and he blushed and looked out the window next to his signature booth.

Armin dared to glance at Eren's face. His eyes met Eren's for a second. His face grew hot. He quickly covered it up by taking a sip of his usual coffee. "Yeah?" He managed to choke out.

"Yeah! You're in my chemistry and English class!" Eren chirped. "You're Armin right?"

"Yes." Armin mumbled cautiously. His heart was thumping a beat or two faster in his chest.

"And I've noticed you always come to Starbucks at this time and you always get the same coffee. You always get a Carmel Macchiato." Eren's voice was a low growl.

Armin jumped again, looking again at Eren. Armin decided he was wrong about Eren. He wasn't just handsome, he was downright stunning. Sexy even.

"H-How did yo--"

"I'm sorry. I sound so stalkerish. I just couldn't help but notice you every time I came." Eren's voice still held that attractive growl.

Armin blushed but didn't look away like before.  "I-I'm flattered, Eren."

Eren exhaled in what seemed to be relief.
Yep, I was definitely wrong about him. Armin smiled to himself subconsciously.

"I like you." Eren blurted after a moment of tension.  "I'm sorry if I came off as a stalker, but I want to know you."

Armin grinned.  "It's fine. I noticed a lot too. I'm not quite sorry for it though."

Eren's eyes shined.  "So you'll allow me to know more?"

"Most definitely."

ahh sucky

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