Chapter 3

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*Sarah POV*

I made it right on time. When I reached a lady with a clipboard and a walkie called my name.

"Sarah Austin, is Sarah Austin here?" she asked. I quickly ran up to her and followed her away from everybody else. She told me I would be on after the commercial break.

As she walked away a noticed the girl who would go before me. She had short blonde hair and was faired skin. She had the bluest eyes I have ever seen. She was wearing a red and black striped Hollister Top with black jeans and red converse. I realized she wasn't wearing any makeup, but she didnt need it. Her face was flawless and it glowed. She realized I was looking at her so she walked over.

"Hey I'm Stephanie" she said with a smile on her face. Did I mention she has perfect teeth.

"I'm Sarah." I replied back.

In a couple of minutes I knew her whole life story. She was born into a family of geniuses. I could tell she was smart just because of the way she talked. She said she didn't feel complete, then she found her voice. We were interrupted by another lady with a clipboard and a walkie.

"Your on in 5" she said and walked off.

In the background you hear Mario talking to the audience. Then the lady comes back and starts to escort her. "Good luck'' I yell. "Thanks"she yells back.

In a couple of minute she's back with a smile on her face. "I made it!!"she screamed. I hugged her tightly and whispered congrats in her ear. Then the same lady came back and started to escort me.

"Hey Sarah!!" she yelled.

"Yeah'' I answered.

"Simon is the meanest" she called out.

I nodded my head. As I got the mike, I started to feel butterflies. I took a deep breathe as walked into the bright light.

"Hello sweetheart what's your name?"Simon asked. "Sarah Austin". I replied. ''What song are you going to finish us off with?"He asked. " Take a bow by Rihanna" I said. He nodded his head and I sang. I sang my whole heart out. As soon as I sang the first verse the audience started to clap. When I finished I had a standing ovation from the audience. I smiled as I looked to see Simon smiling.

"You all have to make a decision we don't have time for commentary" Mario exclaimed. "Demi: Yes, L.A Reid: Yes, Brittney: Yes, and Simon: Definently a yes". I jumped up and down. "Thank you so much" I exclaimed with a huge smile. I ran off the stage so fast I didn't realize what was in front of me. I quickly hit a person something hard but soft. I realized I hit someone's chest.

"I'm so sorry" I said. When I looked up I stopped breathing. I felt my heart beating so fast I thought everyone around me could hear it. It was Harry Styles in front of me. I ran into Harry Styles. I felt myself put a strip of my hair, behind my ear. I wanted to fangirl so bad, but I had to control myself. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going."I said looking directly into his eyes. I soon got lost in his beautiful bright green eyes. Then he broke the silence.

"Nice job out there" he said with a smirk on his face. " I feel bad for the fella you dedicated the song to." he said smiling. I smiled back at him, his dimples looked better in person. I quickly told him thanks, and slowly started to walk away. He then ran up to me and tapped my shoulder. I ran his hand through his curls and just smiled.

I didn't get your name." he said with a playful smirk. "Sarah" I said. Nice meeting you Sarah." he said. "Hope I can see you again soon". he said a walked away.

I quickly ran over to Stephanie to tell what just happened.


Sorry for such a short chapter!!! Didnt have time for a long one!!! Hope you guys are enjoying it.

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