Chapter 12 - The Mentors

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"Ok everyone lets get this done with. I don't have the whole Saturday." Simon said as he grabbed a bottle of water.

"Okay everyone line up in order of your categories. Now! Kids, young adults, and adults. Doesn't matter the order you are in. Lets move it." L.A. said as he sat down at the judges table.

There was so much commotion on stage. Nobody wanted to be first and nobody wanted to be last. You could see the kids laughing and fighting over spots in line. I looked at my young adults group line. Everyone was pushing and or shoving thinking they would get one of the boys if they picked a specific spot in line. I looked up and down the line for Stephanie. I found her near the end and quickly squeezed myself in beside her.

"And we're back the mentors are to be chosen at this moment." Mario explained looking right into the camera lens. He then turned around and watched the judges.

The judges started choosing people in random order. Everyone was frightened and so silent that all you could hear was the judges voices. To me everything was a slow blur. I heard names and people sighing with relief and some just quiet. My thoughts were broken when I heard the Arielle's band being called to go to Zayn's group. I smiled to myself at the thought of Zayn handling all those crazy hormonal teenage girls. I again got lost in thought and everything was still a blur. Then I realized that there was one more person in front of me left Stephanie. She turned around grabbed my hand and gave it a quick squeeze before moving up in front of the judges.

“Name?” Britney asked.

“Stephanie.” she replied smiling revealing her perfect teeth.

“Well, Stephanie you go to Louis.” Britney said before taking a sip of water.

Stephanie smiled again at the response, but I knew she was sad because she wanted Liam. She walked over to Louis shook his hand and stood beside him with the others.

“Now last but not least may ask for your name?” Demi asked smiling.

I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and grinned stuttering “Myy..y name is Sarah.”

“ We have a cute one here.” Britney cooed smiling looking directly at me.

“ Um....” was all that was said as Simon thought.

My heart was beating so loud in my ears that I thought that everyone could hear it. I started to feel kind of woozy, but stayed strong. In my mind I prayed I had Harry as my mentor. I closed my eyes and crossed my fingers as I awaited my response.

“Well I think the best for you would be.......” please be Harry please Harry “Liam.” Simon exclaimed putting his hands in the air.

I stood there in shock. My heart just dropped and I just stood there. I took a quick glance at Harry and saw his face and realized he was in deep shock as well. I looked over at Stephanie and she gave me a “I'm so sorry look” then shrugged her shoulders and gave me a thumbs up cause I got Liam. I smiled and looked at the judges. I said thank you and walked toward Liam. I put my hand out to give him a handshake but instead he pulled me in for a hug. While he hugged me I looked over at Harry to see him giving Liam the eye. I quickly withdrew from the hug and thought to myself this is going to be a crazy year.

“Attention everyone please be here at 12 am on the dot so we can choose one contestant from each mentors group to perform this week, spread the word about the boys being on the show ,and get to spend a week with the your mentor. Okay then.” Demi said as she picked up her notes and headed towards the door.

Everyone smiled and waved good-bye to the judges and as soon as they left everyone surrounded the boys. Some squealing and screaming and some just staring at them. You could see the boys were uncomfortable having everyone so close to them. Kezia then came in and pushed the people and tried to make a path for the boys.

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