Chapter 5

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Harry POV

“Harry, where in the world have you been?” Zayn asked with a worried look on his face.

“We thought you were kidnapped or something.” Niall exclaimed while pacing back and forth.

“Harry we were so worried about you. You didn’t call or text us or anything! What's the matter with you?” Louis asked with a hint of anger in his voice. The boys and I all together walked over to a small room. Inside the room was the man who made our dreams come true, Uncle Si.

“Hey boys. Your late so now we don't have that much time.” Uncle Si explained. He explained that we were to perform on the first live show, we would each mentor 5 contestants, and then on the finale we would have to sing with the last contestant in our group. In my mind I was already thinking of Sarah, when my thoughts were interrupted by Uncle Si. “Boys this is Miami, crazy things happen here. Please don’t get into trouble or any bad press ok.” Uncle Si said before getting up and walking towards the door. “Especially you Harry” he said and with that he was gone.

“So Harry who was the girl?” Niall asked his eyes dancing. He got up and took a piece of candy from of a table full of snacks in the room. “A friend of mine.” I said trying to persist on the word mine. “She's cute.” Niall exclaimed with a smile on his face. “Does she have a boyfriend?” he asked. All of the boys eyes wondered towards me, waiting for my response. “I don't know I never asked.” I said and that was true I didn’t ask. The way she acted with me was as if she was single, but you never know. I quickly pulled out my Iphone and texted her.

Harry: Hey Sarah

Sarah: Hey who is this

Harry: Its me Harry

Sarah: Oh hey see you found my note

Harry: Yeah I need to ask u something

Sarah: Yeah

Harry: Do you have a bf?

Sarah: A best friend or boyfriend

Harry: Boyfriend

Sarah: No but there is someone who I wish was my bf

Harry: Really who

Sarah: You................................................

“Yes” I said aloud too loud. All the boys glared at me with confused faces.

Sarah: Um I’m going to Aventura mall later you wanna come bring the boys. Wear

the disguise you wore yesterday

Harry: Kk

Sarah: TTYL

Harry: TTYL

As I looked up all the boys were still looking at me. “Nice earrings Harry.” Zayn said with a broad grin on his face. I put my fingers up to my ears and realized I hadn't taken them off from yesterday. “Thanks, I guess.” I said before leaving the room. I then quickly walked back into the room. “Hey guys you wanna come to Aventura Mall?” I said with a cheeky grin. They all nodded their heads. But don’t look like you. They all quickly looked up at me with confused expressions. “We are going to the mall with Sarah” I explained. “The girl you just saw when I came. I want to be a normal teenage boy even if just for a day. Not worry about paparazzi and fans. I know you guys understand so wear disguises but don’t go over the top” I said with a serious tone in my voice. They all nodded and we all walked back to the tour bus. We asked the driver to take us to our hotel. When we reached we ran towards the elevator like children. When the elevator took to long we all ran towards the stair case. We ran up about what seemed like 30 cases of stairs, then we reached our floor. We dragged our tired bodies to the rooms. I opened my suitcase and took out a light blue love t-shirt.

“Harry, what do you think?” Niall asked. I turned around and saw he was wearing a green snap-back, black graphic tee, blue skinny jeans, and white Adidas. He smiled and looked at himself in the mirror. “I'm so hot” he said with a huge smile. I turned around and went back to my disguise. With the light blue love shirt I put on black skinny jeans with jet black converse. I put some gel in my hair and ruffled it up some with my fingers, I then put on my favorite light green beanie. I looked in the mirror and smiled, because I didn’t recognize the boy staring back at me and I liked it. Niall looked at me and gave me a thumbs up. We opened our room door and walked out. We knocked on Zayn, Louis, and Liam's room door waiting anxiously. They opened the door and me and Niall were in utter shock. Zayn looked like one of those smart high school jocks. He was wearing a red varsity jacket and a plain white tee with black skinny jeans, and red Adidas. He was wearing a pair of “nerd” glasses and instead of gauges he was wearing small diamond studs. Louis looked like a modern day hippie. He was wearing a blue hoodie a striped t-shirt with a bright blue beanie. The beanie really brought out the blue in his eyes. As of the bottoms he wore black skinny jeans and all black oxfords. Liam looked like an adolescent teen. He had on wig that made him look a 15 year boy with the body of a 19 year old. He wore a navy shirt and khaki cargo pants, which I haven’t seen him wear since X-factor days. He wore his red and white colored converse and on his neck he had a necklace with a surfboard on it.

“Great job, lads!” I exclaimed. “How are we going to get there? Liam asked with a concerned voice as he walked back into the room. He sat down and with the rest of the boys looked at me for a answer. I then remembered we didn’t want to be driven in the bus or a private car. That would just raise some eyebrows. I quickly took out my cell and called Sarah. She picked up on the third ring.

Sarah: “Hello”

Harry: “Sarah hey”

Sarah: “Hey Harry are you guys there yet?”

Harry: “No”

Sarah: “Why not?”

Harry: “We don’t have a ride”

Sarah: “Your lucky I’m just leaving the house, so I can pick you guys up”

Harry: “Great”

Sarah: “Harry, your staying at the Hilton hotel right?”

Harry: “Yes.....but how do you know?” I asked confused and surprised

Sarah: “I’m a directioner remember, we have our ways”

Harry: “Ok then we'll be in the lobby” I quickly stated

Sarah: “I’m already outside.” she stated.

I quickly looked outside and saw her sitting in her convertible cherry red mustang. She was looking at herself in the mirror, and was frowning at her reflection. If only she knew she was beautiful I thought to myself. She looked up from her car and waved at me. I waved back and wondered how she saw me from 13 stories down.

“ I got us a ride boys” I said without looking away from the window. I slowly walked away from the window and grabbed my things. I checked in my pockets and made sure I had my phone and wallet. “We're ready.” Louis exclaimed before walking out the door. We all made sure we each had a copies of our room keys and then left the room. We walked over to the elevator and clicked the down button. As we waited for the elevator I put the wafer shades on my beanie, that Sarah insisted I keep. We heard a ding and the elevator door opened. We walked into the elevator and pushed the first floor button. We listened to elevator music and then the elevator door opened and there stood the most beautiful girl I had ever seen before.




xoxoxoxo- Sarah ;-)

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