Chapter 7

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  • Dedicated to Ariel, Roxanne, Rachel, and Yvgennia my bestest friends in the whole WORLD!!


As we walked into Aventura we all took a huge gasp. We were surrounded by the smell of food, leather, purfume, and the many other smells of the mall. We enter and then I see Sarah take out her phone and smile. "Hey guys" she yelled over the noises of footsteps and talking. We all turned and looked at her. "My friends are at the foodcourt waiting for me, so let's go." she said taking my hand leading us through the crowds of people. As we are walking towards the food court I always hear girls giggle as the lads and I walk by. I looked behind me and made sure none of the lads got left behind. I then felt Sarah let go of my hand and squeal.

"Hey Ariel, Roxanne, Rachel, Yevgennia, and Kyle!!" she squealed as she ran up to a group of people standing beside a palm tree. "Sarah" I heard one of them squeal and give her a big hug, then she whispered something in her ear and her face lit up. Sarah then whispered something else which made her face go blank. She the motioned them toward us. "Ok guys these are some of my friends from the show." she said as she pointed at us.

"This is Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall, and Zayn." she said with a huge smile on her face. She then introduced her friends to us.

"This is Roxanne." she said pointing at cute girl with  freckles, beautiful crystal blue eyes, and dark black hair. She was wearing a white tank top with the words "Irish accents are hot", with black skinny jeans and sparkly black flats. I assumed she wasn't a fan, because she didn't recognize any of us.  We all shook her hand, but when she shook Niall's hand he looked at her her top and smiled. "Nice top." he said in his Irish accent and she blushed. He then winked at her,and face turned flushed more and she walked back to her friends.

"This is Rachel." she said pointing at petite girl with fair skin, freckles, hazel eyes, and long brown hair. I noticed Louis taking a long glimpse at her knowing Louis likes brunettes. She was wearing a blue and red striped Hollister top with a short jean skirt and red converse. She had her hair in a ponytail and was wearing pearl earrings. She gave each of us a smile as she gave each of us a hug. She seemed like a sweet down to earth girl, unlike Roxanne who was kinda shy.

"This is Yevgennia and her boyfriend Kyle." she said as she pointed at a tall tan girl holding hands with her boyfriend "Kyle". Yevgennia wears glasses and has long jerry curl like curls. She had on a plain red Abrecombie & Fitch top with black jeans and sandals. She shook each of our hands and smiled as she hello to each of us. Her boyfriend shook our hands and said ey man. He seemed like a nice guy, but not someone to mess with.

"And last but not least my best friend Ariel." she said with a grin that seemed to light up the entire room.  Ariel was a very pretty girl. She was tall and fair skinned. She wore glasses that made her look chic, not geeky. She was wearing a One Direction top that quoted from "what makes you beautiful" she wore white lace shorts and white toms. I noticed her smiling as she walked up to us. She seemed like she was about to explode and yell out to the whole mall who we were, but she contained herself. She looked back at Sarah, who nodded her head. "OMG!!" she said just loud enough for us to hear. "I'm such a huge fan, it's such a great honor to meet you. What am I talking about it's an honor just to be standing here in front of you!" she squealed. As she spoke I saw Zayn eyeing her. I hope he doesn't try anything, because him and Perrie's relationship is rocky as it is, I thought to myself. She gave all teh boys a tight hug. When she came up to me she gave me a tight hug and didn't seem to want to let go, as she let go she gave me a quick wink. I quickly looked to see if Sarah had noticed, but she didn't notice a thing. I felt my eyes staring at her feeling guilt in my heart. She gave me a questioning face, but I motioned that everything was fine. She just shrugged it off. She soon broke the silence.

"Let's go shopping!" she squealed and with that we were off.



xoxoxoxoxo- Sarah

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