DNO | 6

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Third attempt at this chapter and I finally pulled through. Yay!! Hope you enjoy reading.
Banana and cupcakes kisses. Xx

Chapter 6: Avery

"I'm planning to make her fall for me, which she already did, take her virginity and dump her. Just like you did with Rebecca."

I watched as Riley launched himself at Andrew's jaws, the words slipping out of my mouth before I could control myself. "What the hell?"

Their action paused as both of them snapped their faces towards me. A mixture of expression was seen on their face; Andrew had a flash of shock and mortification across his face, his onyx eyes widened for a small fraction of second before calmness took over, Riley had a totally opposite reaction as his mouth fell open, his eyebrow furrowed while he took a hesitant step towards me, the emerald in his eyes loses all the pride and ego as they bore concern.

My chest was bursting with emotions but years of self-control allowed me to suppress them without any complication. I balled up my fists as I walked towards Andrew, looked him in his eyes.

"Avery, I-I didn't meant that. I was just trying to get Riley off your back."

I raised my eyebrows at his words, or shall I say, his lame excuse? "That's all? No other words to add?"

Guys always scramble to explain themselves when things goes wrongly understood. I felt a tinge of pity for the guy in movie, hoping that girls would actually slow down and give the poor guy a chance to explain himself. Doesn't that just save all the unnecessary drama? But then, no drama, no movie.

So this is me, giving Andrew Wilson a chance to explain, even though I knew he was fucked up as hell.

Be civil in argument, my mom always told me. You have nothing to lose until you started being an angry bear on loose.

"I-I..." My reply definitely caught him by surprise.

Riley snorted loudly. "Oh, fuck your lame excuse, Wilson."

"Andrew?" I called out in a sickeningly sweet voice and he flashed a smirk at Riley before taking a step towards me. The gap between us was dangerously close.

"Yes?" From my peripheral view, Riley had an unreadable expression as he stared intensely at me, his face quietly hoping I wouldn't be so stupid.

Of course not, Kraemer! What am I, a five years old kid that could easily be fooled with a cotton candy?

I closed up my distance to Andrew and he immediately snaked his arms around my waist.

"What the fuck, Avery?" Riley was literally growling at me.

I swallowed the disgusted bile that was rising in my throat as I whispered into his ears, clearly enjoying my next sentence.

"I hope karma is wearing a stilettos when she kicks you in your ass, preferably a six-inches type."

I never get to complete my plan though(which include giving him a nice tight slap across his cheek), nor did I get to witness his reaction as he was pulled away from me immediately, mind you, in a very harsh way by a furious-looking Riley.

"Stay the fuck away from her!" Riley gave his another warning punch before pulling me out of Andrew's room and in the speed of the lightning, we were out of his house too.

He was about to drag me to his car when I untangled our hands. Or tried to, because he was gripping tightly onto my hand. "Let me go, Riley."

The fact that our hands were intertwined would have freak me out if we were in a normal situation.

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