DNO | 8

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Sorry, I fell asleep last night while writing this chapter. Hope you enjoy the few chapters left of Riley and Avery.
Love ya all to the moon and back. Xx

Chapter 8: Ex-best friend


That was the signal conveyed by my olfactory nerve to my brain, jotting me awake. I rolled to my left and the anonymity of surroundings hits me, causing me to sit up straight. Vertigo swarmed through me right away when I tried to leave the bed.

I remembered I was on a cold, hard bathroom floor. And I was in the arms of-

"Careful there. You alright?"

I spun my head to the direction of voice and realized Riley was sitting on his desk. Of course, I was in his house, specifically his room. On his bed.

"Yeah." I yawned to cover up the blush that was beginning to form on my cheeks. "What time is it?"

"Six in the evening."

My eyes almost popped out of the socket. "What? I slept the whole day?"

"Not exactly. Just the whole afternoon." He chuckled.

"That's way too long in my dictionary." I frowned.

"Honestly, what is it with geniuses and their hatred with sleep?"

"Trying being one and you'll understand."

He rolled his eyes but stood up from his desk. "There's food in the kitchen. My mom made them." He added when he saw my eyes widened.

I let out a huff of relief. "That bad, huh?" He made a face and I chuckled. "I honestly does not want a repeat of this morning's drama."

"Come on, food's waiting." He made his way to the door, gesturing me to follow him.

I couldn't tore my gaze away form him as he posed like a freaking model at the doorframe. His white T-shirt was loose on his body, unlike the one he had on this morning. Matching with his shirt was a simple black bottom, reaching to his knee. His golden bronze hair was messy as they stuck out asymmetrically. Puberty definitely did him justice.

I shook my head, squeezing out the room to pass him.

"Did you just woke up too?" I asked him as we walked down the stairs, smoothing my crumple shirt in process.


"Where did you sleep then?" I flashed a guilty smile, remembering that I was occupying his bed. "You could have move me to the guest room."

"Nah it's fine. I slept for only a couple hour, unlike you, pig." He poked my nose teasingly.

I swatted away his hand. "I'm not a pig, okay?"

"You sleep like one, you sounds like one and you eat like one. Definitely has pig as your ancestor." A playful mockery smile hung on his lips.

I rolled my eyes. "That's better than yours, Creamer."

"Oh, we're back with the nickname, Ape?" He smirked.

I pushed him, causing him to lost balance and stumble at the last step.

"Pigs and ape can't do that."

He was cursing at me while I ran off to the kitchen, laughing all the way.


"We have to finish this, Riley."

"Why do we have to?"

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