DNO | Outro

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Author's Note

August. Had. Been. Amazing.

Yes, it definitely is a great month for me. It may have not started out great, but it has ended great, and that's what matter the most.

August had started as a miserable month for me. Long story short, I had receive some devastating news and it had absolutely crumble my everything. I was supposed to edit my completed story(which is now removed), write and etc. I have so many plans for August and they all just went down the drain with the bad news.

Then I had this crazy idea. What if, I could write and complete a story within 30 days? It was then and there I came up with this story idea, Do Not Open. Later on(which was ten minutes after I came up with the idea), I discover about Watty's JustWriteIt Challenge hence I pledge the idea into that challenge. Boom! Do Not Open was then available on Wattpad.

To be honest, there was time when I wanted to give up on everything. But it was Wattpad and YOU GUYS that got me still hanging on. All your comments could turn my day around and make it better despite all the stress that was already loading onto me. I can't thank you guys enough for that. You have no idea how much every single read, vote and comment means to me and I really appreciate them.

This story will always have a special place in my heart because of the journey. Even though it's just a short story, it had changed my perspective on life, on people and everything. I realize that, sometimes the days got dark just because the clouds is shielding over our sight. The sun will always be there, whether you know it or not.

I may or may not understand the pain, sorrow or sadness you're going through right now. But know that, I'm here. I will always be here for you. Yes YOU, whoever that is reading this right now.

Maybe you're alone in your room right now, or you're hiding in a bathroom, or you have that sense of loneliness washing over you. But afraid not, I'll be here for you. Maybe I couldn't be physically right next to you, giving you a tight hug and patting your back, telling you things will be better tomorrow. But talk to me, I'll always be there to listen as long as my sucky internet is on my side.

I may not share a similar back story as you, but me and you, we aren't that different. We're just human, right? Cause me too. I'm just a normal, ordinary girl, just like you. (And boys are included too.)

So if you're feeling lonely, or down, or you just want a friend to rant to about something, you can ALWAYS message me. I'll always reply, no matter who you are or where you're from. I'll be there for YOU, because you guys are here for me when I needed the most.

Sorry if the heavy subject is boring you guys. I just need to get that out. But, moving to a lighter subject...

What's next?

Since this story is a part of Watty's JustWriteIt 30 days challenge, I was thinking, why not have another story of similar concept, as they extended their dateline to 30 September?

Only problem is, I can't decide which story should I be writing on. It's between M&M (which is already posted on Wattpad) and Threshold (not yet posted but I had a teaser on my ask.fm).

Which would you prefers?


Our love is just like the chocolate, tasted sweet in the beginning and eventually melting away, leaving nothing behind.


We all have a threshold in our life.
We smile at the rainbow, laugh during sunny days and cry after a thunderstorm.

The cycle repeats on a daily basis. Maybe there's day with too much of rain, or perhaps luck granted us a whole day of sunshine.

But just how true were those reaction?
How much can a person take it, before she finally collapse beneath her threshold, forever?

Which one do you guys prefer?

Special thanks to these few people who have been absolutely supportive by voting, commenting, shipping Riley and Avery. I can never express how much I appreciate everything you've done.
Love you guys to the moon and back with pizza and cupcakes kisses. Xx

And so many more of you~

So, what's next for the story of Riley and Avery? ;)

Start: 1 August 2015
End: 30 August 2015

Do Not Open [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now