DNO | 7

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Just letting you guys know, I'm having exam for the next three days so there won't be new updates.
By the way, do you know you guys are just way too amazing and you deserved a back to back updates.
Chocolates and panda kisses. Xx

Chapter 7: Pizza's Fault

The next day, we both fell sick.

Not sick because of the rain though. Ironically, we fell sick due to food poisoning. Apparently, Riley does not know how to cook a simple pizza.

"Just...get out, Riley." I meant to shout at him, but the vomiting made my throat sore and my voice came out like a whimper. He chuckled, as he held my hair and patted my back while I poured my stomach content into the toilet bowl.

I was jealous. How could he feel so much better already when I'm still feeling like crap right now?

"That's karma for stealing the last piece of pizza."

"Hey, I was hungry, alright?" I shoot him a glare as I leaned against the cool bathroom wall. His bathroom wall. His house. I'm

Riley brought me back to his house yesterday as both of us were drenched in rainwater and I certainly does not want to go into a hypothermic shock, thinking I could just have Riley drive me back after the rain stopped. Plus, my house was a good thirty minutes away. To my horrification, the heavy rain turned into a thunderstorm and drag on for the night, hence I had no choice but to stay at Riley's house overnight. That was after his mother insisted for numerous time even though I politely rejected her offer. But her response was hilarious.

"Riley, look what you have done to this girl. Now she couldn't wait to get away from you." She scolded Riley in a motherly way and for a split second, the torn expression on his face had me muffling a laugh.

"Mom, I didn't-" He began to explain but was cut off by his mom with a shush.

"Hush, Riley." She gave him a look before turning back to me. "Avery, if he ever bully you, don't hesitate to let me know, okay?" She placed a hand over mine. Oh my, if only she knows.

I secretly threw a smirk at Riley, which he rolled his eyes in return, flipping me a finger out of his mother sight.

At last, I agree to stay, because his mom was such an amazing mom and I just couldn't resist her hospitality. Also, I don't exactly have a choice. What about my mom? Well, let talk about her when she bothered to care about my existent.

"How are you not feeling crap anymore? I just had one more piece than you." I complained.

He raised his eyebrows expectantly at me.

"Fine, maybe I had a lots more than you." I admitted sheepishly. His body frame shook as he laughed silently at me.

"Karma, my dear friend. That's karma bitching back at you." He smirked at me.

"Remind me to never let you cook a pizza again." I groaned.

Since Riley's mom left the house at the crack of the dawn with his car for an emergency, leaving both of us alone and stuck at home with no food, he had suggested pizza as breakfast.

His hands shoot up in defense. "How am I suppose to know I have to change the heat settings on the microwave?"

"How could you not know you have to change the heat settings the microwave?" I smacked my palm to my forehead, shaking my head at his lack of common sense. "You just need to press the button."

"What button?"

I deadpanned. An eighteen years old boy who doesn't know how to operate a microwave?

"Just so you know, my sister is usually the one who does that." He scratched the back of his neck, looking slightly embarrassed.

I shook my head at him, teasing him. "Creamer oh Creamer."

He scowled at me. "Don't call me that." Then a slay smile crossed his face. "Or I'll started calling you Ape."

I slapped him across his arms. "I'll tell your mom that..."

"That I bullied you? Sure, go ahead."

I wanted to wipe that smirk off his face with another comeback, but stopped when an unfamiliar cramp surged through my abdominal area, the feeling to throw up started to irk through me. Too much movement must be overwhelming my body.

I inhaled and exhaled a few times, rubbing circles at that area, hoping to relive the pain.

"Ave, are you okay?"

Pant. "I'm...okay."

"No, you're not. You look like you're going to pass out from pain."

I opened my eyes to see a disapproving look on his face. "I'm starting to wonder, maybe it's not food poisoning." He looked at me tentatively.

I shook my head. "It's definitely is." I exhaled deeply while my stomach felt like it was being twisted. "My body just don't tolerate toxin well."

He shifted to my side instantly. "Fuck, Avery." He cursed under his breath. "How much does it hurt? What can I do?"

I managed to let out a laugh. "Chill, Riley. You're lucky this is not my menstrual pain."

"Your face said otherwise. Wait here."

I rolled my eyes, still crunched up on the floor as he left the bathroom. Wait here. I snorted. As if I'm going anywhere.

He came back bearing a glass of warm water in one hand and two pills in another. "Here, take this."

I nodded, swallowing the Panadol gladly.

"That's the third time you're taking pills today." He said, not liking the fact I was swallowing so much pills but couldn't help it.

The four pills I'd taken three hours ago doesn't seem to have enough effect on me. Then again, after years of swallowing a variety of pills, my body must have developed a tolerant against medicine.

He doesn't need to know this.

"I know that." I said quietly. Of course I know that, especially the fact that a person can overdose if he or she takes more than eight pills of Panadol per day. And I had just taken six pills in the span of less than four hours.

"Does it still hurts?"

I nodded.

"Do you want me to carry you to your bed?"

I shook my head weakly. "I'm worried I might throw up again."

He scooped right next to me, making me lean on him instead of the bathroom tiles. "Lean on me then, it's better than the hard floor."

I didn't argue, as I placed my head on his shoulder. One of my hand was wrapped around my abdomen and my right hand was just dangling awkwardly in the space between me and him. I can hear his swallow breathing but neither of us say anything. Something, silence could be the better conversation.

"I'm sorry." The word came out of his mouth when I was least expecting it and the side of my lips curved up.

"I don't blame you for the pizza anymore." The pills effect finally kicked in as the cramp started to reduce.

"No." He denied which had me confused for a moment. "I'm sorry for what I did four years ago."

Maybe my eyes widened. Maybe my heart rate jumped up above the normal level. Maybe my head started spinning, taking in the word that just came out of his mouth. Or maybe I already had those reaction the moment our body came in contact, the moment his familiar scent weaved through my nostrils, or maybe when he had subconsciously rubbed circles on my hands.

But what matter the most right here, right now, was that he actually remembered about four years ago.

"I'm really sorry, Avery."


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