Our first...times?

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We walked through the open door of the ice cream shop, my hand instantly letting go of Demi's as I noticed a few people looking at us. I followed behind her as we went to the back of the queue. This place was one of my favourite places, we come here so often the staff knew us by name. A familiar voice broke me from my thoughts.

"So what flavour are you gonna get Y/N?" Demi asked, a small smile plastered on her face.

"I dunno" I shrugged, knowing full well that she knew I always got the same flavour.

"Bet I could guess." Demi smirked, her gaze looking over the range of flavours available.

"Yeah, probably." I sighed, not really in the mood to joke around.

"Hello you two!" A particularly chipper voice called.

"Hey Donald." Demi replied eagerly. Donald was an older guy, had to be at least in his 60s and also happened to be the owner of this quaint little shop.

"So what can I get for you guys today? The usual for you I assume Y/N?"

"You know what no, I think I'll try the...salted caramel."

"Oooo! Risky" Demi laughed slightly, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I'll go for Cotton Candy please Donald."

"Coming right up." He responded, scooping two balls of ice cream and putting them in little tubs. He accessorised them with little neon plastic spoons. I paid and followed Demi to our normal table. It sat by the window and had the perfect view of the busy street outside. The late afternoon sky cast a warm glow. My spoon danced over the frozen dessert as we sat in awkward silence.

"Are you okay?" Demi asked cautiously. My eyes looked up to meet hers, I gave her a small nod.

"No you're not." Her head shook from side to side.

"Honestly, I'm fine Dem. Just tired." She stared back, searching my face. I flashed her a small smile and looked back to my ice cream, putting some in my mouth.

"So was it worth mixing it up?" Demi smirked, eating her own.


"Can I try some?" she raised an eyebrow, playfully. Taking a deep breath, I plastered a smile on my face and gave her a firm nod. I scooped up some ice cream on my neon pink spoon and held it out. Demi leaned forward tasting the ice cream.

"Nice." She commented, licking her lips slowly.

"Here" she mimicked my movements and held the spoon out.

I shook my head. "No, I'm fine. It's too sweet."

"Sweet like you" A smile spread across my lips and I felt myself blush. God was she cheesy.

"There's the smile I was after."

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up."

Her hand gently came into contact with mine from across the table. I moved mine away, my gaze falling to my ice cream which was half melted. Demi and I had been dating for a while now but we decided to stay away from any PDA as it made me uncomfortable. It wasn't that I didn't like Demi or that she specifically made me uncomfortable but rather that the people around us did. The looks, the whispers, were all like daggers to me and so I felt intimidated in public. A cold chill ran through me as I felt the end of my nose become wet. Looking back up, I noticed Demi trying to suppress her laughter. Demi's laugh was one of my favourite things about her, I could honestly listen to it all day. There was just something so pure about it.

"Uhm, Y/N? You got a little something on your "

"Yeah I noticed" I interrupted.

"Well let me get that for you." She leaned closer to me but instead of going for the ice cream, I felt her lips connect to mine. My eyes, as if on queue fluttered closed, taking in the surprise. Her lips were soft and sweet. After a moment she backed away and I could feel myself longing for her lips once more. As I opened my eyes, I just looked at her. Taking in the moment. She wiped the ice cream off my nose before awkwardly put a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth. She pursed her lips into a smile.

"W-what was that for?" I stuttered, copying her by casually eating a spoonful of ice cream. She hesitated.

"Because...I love you Y/N." My throat closed as the words drifted from her mouth. I coughed vigorously, a tickle in my throat as I tried to swallow instead of choke on my ice cream. Demi giggled to herself. Calming down, I stared back. This was the first time those words ever came out of her mouth. My voice froze in my throat.

"Wow! I never thought I'd see you spee-" With a burst of confidence, I quickly planted my lips on hers once more. I could feel eyes on us but for once, I didn't care. Because in that moment none of that mattered. All that mattered was us. I pulled her closer, intensifying the kiss that I didn't want to end. Demi pulled away and so did I.

"What was that for?" she smiled, looking into my eyes. A laugh slipped out as I leaned in again knowing I just couldn't help myself. My lips hovered mere inches from hers.

"Because...I love you Demi." I replied, gently putting my lips on hers.

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