The Blue Exorcist

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Time skip to your first day brought to you by pandas. They're freaking adorable.

The next day, you were getting ready for your first day at True Cross. Mephisto had told your new teachers about your arrival and told them you were a transfer student. After your regular classes you went around trying to find the cram school. Unfortunately, you were unable to find your class until after the bell rang.

You began running to your first class until your feet made a humiliating error.
" I am so sorry I'm late Mr. Okumur-aah!" You tripped. You felt your cheeks go red as roses. You heard a pink haired boy utter a giggle. Your teacher helped you up and gave you your notebook.
"You must be the New girl Mr. Pheles told me about. My name is Yukio Okumura. You may call me teacher or Mr. Okumura. Why don't you introduce yourself to the class." He said with a smile.

"My name is (Y/N) (L/N). A pleasure to meet you all." You said giving a slight bow, attempting to make yourself look presentable after incident.

You noticed Izumo giving you a signal. She had saved you a seat. (Me: ok who tf are you and what did you do to Izumo?? It's not like we're in a tween dating fanfic! Wait....) You scurried over to greet your friend. "Are you ok?" She asked "Yea, I'm fine" you replied. your blushing had died down.

"I always was a bit clumsy. Once I klutzed so bad I got a face full of cake at my sixth birthday party." You told her, just so she'd know you did it often and wouldn't worry. You looked up and noticed someone staring at you. Deep blue hair, icy blue eyes and a red sword bag. Rin Okumura.

The bell had just rung as you packed up your notes into your bag. Judging by the books, you knew what came next. 3, 2, 1, cue Shima. Next thing you knew, the salmon haired boy was just in front of your desk. "Hey Angel, after that fall earlier I think your wing broke. Allow my care to fix it for you." Jesus Christ, help me now. "Um, Shima, was it?" You said, trying to pretend you knew nothing about him. "I'm not exactly one for pick up lines. Or flirting in general." Wow. Way to let him down easy. "Shima, quit bugging the New girl! You pester every other girl enough!" You heard a boy with red glasses say. 'Konekomaru.' You thought to yourself. You turned to see the other three boys.

"Sorry about him. He does that a lot." The bald boy said. "Yeah sorry if he was bothering you." A boy with skunk styled hair added. Again, you knew who he was. "Oh, no,no! I- it's fine!" You replied frantically. "Okay, if you say so. Catch you later (L/N)!" He said walking off with Konekomaru. One didn't leave though. "Okumura! Get your ass over here!" You heard him shout. "Uh, right, coming!" Rin replied, running off to join the others. You noticed something before he turned though.

Rin was staring at you.
(And Gennie u r not Memphisto, my friend was reading and she thought dirty,and said she was Mephisto. )

(Rin Okumura x Reader) A Demon's WishWhere stories live. Discover now