Break my mind

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-Rin's pov-

I watched in fear as I saw (Y/N) be taken into the ball of dark light. I reached my arm out as she pleaded for my support. "!!" She said weakly as she reached back, tears streaming down her face. The sky darkened with thunder clouds. A deep rumble of lightning was heard in the distance. We heard a laugh come from inside the orb. '(Y/N).' I thought as a ladylike figure emerged from the dark source of light. I knew it was her. A horrific look spread across Shiemi's face. A wicked smile across hers. A look of worry, sadness, shock and guilt on mine. If only I had told her.  I knew she'd find out eventually. I just didn't want that rumor getting out. I didn't want her to leave me. Now, I was too late. Her sanity was gone.

"(Y/N)! Please stop this! This isn't like you!" Shiemi yelled out, tears pricking at her eyes. "(Y/N)? I am Mayu." Shiemi let a tear loose. "Yukio, is she possessed?" I asked my brother. "No. She's not possessed. But her necklace has taken control of her mind." Yukio replied, showing the slightest bit of fear in his voice. (Y/N) glared at Yukio. She came over quickly, grabbed Yukio by the throat and picked him up. " fight her." Yukio said, losing his breath. A tear escaped from my eye. "I..I can't. I love her.." I managed to choke out. I did love her. But I wanted her back.

I grabbed my sword. "(Y/N)!" I called out. She dropped my brother and looked back at me. "I don't want to hurt you. Anymore." I said. Tears began to stain my face. I saw a look on her face. 'Help me.' It read. Then I saw her eyes illuminate a red glow, and her pupils became slit again. She laughed. "Weak. You don't have the heart to stop me." She said before kicking me to the ground. "No. I will bring her back!" I said before reaching over and drawing my sword. Blue flames leaked out from all over my body as I stood up to face her.

"Alright! Let's play!!" She said with a giggle. She may be a (name of class) in her normal form, but she summoned a sword. She lunged at me with full force, dodging the blow, I knew that wasn't my girlfriend. She growled and tried attacking me again.

Swing after swing of her sword, I avoided the blade. She began to slow down when I took my first swing. I sliced her shoulder and she stumbled back. She looked at the wound with fearful eyes. "" She mumbled. "SHUT UP, YOU DUMBASS BITCH!" She yelled out. I realized something. Even though she wasn't possessed, it was like she had two minds in her head. The real (Y/N) seemed to only come out when she was reminded of me. I had an idea.

As she was about to leap forward for her next attack, I ran over as fast as I could. I did something that took her by so much shock, the spirit let go. I kissed her. Her lips were warm against mine. As I parted from her, I saw tears leaking from her eyes. "R-Rin." She spoke softly. She began sobbing quietly.

-Your pov-

Tears flooded your eyes as you saw Rin in front of you. He tried to save you. He did care! You began sobbing quietly when you heard a voice. "What are doing? Stop standing there and kill him already!" It boomed. You began crying harder. "No! I won't do it! You'll never take him away from me ever again!" You yelled back. (Clutchy much?) You raised your arm grasping the sword. "(Y/N)? NO!! DON'T!!!" Rin yelled. It was too late. The sword pierced itself through your stomach. " you. Thank you." You said with a warm smile, before collapsing to ground, releasing one final tear.

You awoke to sounds of people running and shouting. A shrieking pain hit your stomach. "Hurry! She's in critical condition!" You heard one voice say. You looked to that direction to see a man in a white coat, holding a bar and running. Then you noticed you were laying down in a cot. You were in your normal school uniform again, but it was stained a deep red with your blood. "She's losing more blood by the minute. Get her in the E.R! Now!" E.R? You were in a hospital! You remembered stabbing yourself so that the demon couldn't take Rin away from you. You looked to the other side to see Rin himself running alongside the cot. You were taken into a dark room where they put a machine up to your stab wounds. "Her large and small intestines are ripped, we have to perform surgery immediately!" The doctor said. He noticed you were awake. "She's awake! (Y/N), your in fatal condition. We have to perform surgery on you ASAP! Were going to put you under for a bit, alright?" He asked. You nodded. The pain was so bad that you knew it would only intensify if you tried to speak. Rin sat down next to you. You grabbed his hand. He looked over at you smiling, even though you knew he was about to cry. You felt the needle go into your arm and felt yourself drift off.

Disclaimer: the next chapter may be the last. :( BUUUTTT! (Hehe. Butt.) There will be a sequel to this book Titled "A Game of Shadows". It will pick up right after the end of this story. If you want to check it out, the first chapter of the new book will be posted on the day of the last chapter of "A Demons Wish"! Love you guys!
~Foxy Kitten

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