Forgive me

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"NO!!!!" You heard before you slashed your throat.

Lol jk.
Rin slammed your arms down onto the dresser, when you came out of your hypnotic trance. You looked up to see him crying. "No.." he said between sobs. You released the sharp blade from your tight clutch. You fell to the floor and began tearing up yourself. "Why..? Why did you come back for me?" You asked, weeping. Rin knelt down next to you. "I was stupid. I thought if you stayed away from me You might be safe. An-and now..." he trailed off. He lowered his head in shame. You brought it back up by a surprise kiss.

Shocked, Rin began to flare up. When he noticed what was happening, his lips melted into yours as his flame grew in a passion. When you released, you hugged him like it was the last time you'd ever see him. Shiemi was right. Rin never wanted to hurt you. "I want to always be with you." He whispered into your ear as you began to shut off your water works. You never wanted to let him go again. "I love you. So much." You whispered back as his warm flame began to fade.

Time skip brought to you by Satan. Without your oc wouldn't have a bae!

By Monday morning you were back at school. Rin would check up on you everyday to make sure you didn't attempt suicide again. It bothered Izumo a bit about Rin being around constantly but you told she'd just have to deal with it.

You wondered still. What was it that took control of your mind and made you take the dagger? A demon? Suicidal thoughts? You didn't have any time to think about it anymore. You were happy now and that's what mattered. You were getting ready for school and decided to pitch Izumo that question. "Hey Izumo, what do you think made me almost..Y'know, kill myself on Thursday? " you asked. "I asked Shiemi after she left our dorm and she said that your necklace and eyes were turning white. Listen (Y/N), that necklace is going to be the end of you. Get rid of it!" She sounded serious, but you couldn't get rid of it. You wouldn't be able to return home! "Sorry Izumo, I can't." You gave back a simple answer before grabbing your bag, and walking out the door.

When you arrived at school, you were greeted by Shiemi. She asked about how you were doing and that Rin said that you back together. You walked around with her talking for a while when you had to go to your classes. As you walked to your homeroom, you were stopped by a boy with white hair and piercings. You had second period with him but you thought he looked familiar from the show or manga but you couldn't place it.

"Wassup (Y/N). I'm Shirotari. I heard your new here." He said as he stopped you from going in your class. "Oh um, hi Shirotari. Yes, I am new here. Why?" You asked, wondering where he was going with this conversation. "Well I just thought maybe you'd like to get to know other people. You seem to only hang out with that one girl. I was going to have a party on Saturday night and we're in need of a singer. Care to join?" The boy offered with a smirk. You were about to reply when Rin came up behind you. "(Y/N) don't talk to this guy. He's bad news." Rin warned, placing his hands on your shoulders. "Okumura? You were the last person I'd expect to see here. How's your daddy? Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot, he's dead." He said before letting out a laugh. "Do you know each other Rin?" You asked. "Yeah you could say that." Rin replied while glaring at Shirotari. "Anyways, I was just asking this babe out to a party. Wouldn't want to be rude and leave her out." The white haired boy said as he grabbed you and pulled you close. You blushed in shock. "STAY AWAY FROM MY GIRLFRIEND MAN!" Rin shouted at him as you pulled away from Shirotari's clutches. "Girlfriend? Like you could ever land a win like her."
"I said STOP!!"
Rin yelled before bursting into blue flames. Shirotari fell to the ground in surprise. You jumped at Rin's sudden outbreak. "Wh-what the hell are you?!?" Shirotari half shouted. "Rin. Calm down." You urged him to stay calm. Rin realised what he was doing and his flames dropped instantly. Rin said one last thing to Shirotari before grabbing your hand and walking into your homeroom. "Stay. Away. From (Y/N)."

(Rin Okumura x Reader) A Demon's WishWhere stories live. Discover now